as we learned in the history chapter, canadians didn’t just spring from the soil. aside from a small community ofaboriginals, everyone who lives in canada is descended from immigrants of some sort, the offspring of agricultural settlers and economic migrants who left their native homelands to eke out a better living in the mysterious new world. since canada was originally a french, then british colony, france and the united kingdom have been the historic origin of much of canada’swhite majority, followed by settlers from other western european nations.
english-canadianscanadians of british descent, often known as anglos, have traditionally comprised the majority of people in all provinces, and have a long history of trying to aggressively shape the country to reflect the culture and traditions of their beloved motherland. this cultural dominance explains, in large part, why canada remained a happy colony of the british empire for as long as it did, why it fought so eagerly in both world wars, and why institutions like the monarchy survive to this day.
british immigrants came in waves; some anglo-canadian families have been living in canada so long they have no idea when their forefathers first sailed over, while others may be the offspring of english or scottish workers who left the british isles during 20th century periods of war or depression. motivated by a desire to keep canada british, canadian law favoured such immigrants quite explicitly; until 1976, there was no legal difference between a “canadian” and a “british subject,” so for anyone who had the money to travel, migration was pretty easy.
canada is a good example of the way peoples of different ways of life and dif-ferent languages can live side by side under one government. the population of canada has risen from 11,5 million in 1941 to 25 million in 1980. most of the new-comers are from europe, asia and the usa, so that today less than 44% of can-ada’s population is of british origin. quebec province is still 90% french. there are some groups of french canadiands in ontario and manitoba, but the numbers are quite small.
there are many indians, pacistanis and chinese, and also blacks from the usa, among the immigrants who are pouring into canada now. some canadians are afraid that before long canada will have coloured citizens that white. other canadians are disturbed by the growing racism in their country. canada, like so many countries, has only just begun to treat her own non-white citizens, eskimos (or inuit) and the indians, as generously as they deserve. the indian and eskimo populations have grown quite a lot in the last few years. the government is at last realizing that it has a duty towards this people that it has neglected for so long.
all canadian children have to learn both french and english at school, but francophones and anglophones do not enjoy learning each other’s language. still, most quebecois middle class families, living in montreal are bilingual - they speak english and french equally well.
until the second world war, every canadian province except quebec was overwhelmingly british. some canadians were more patriotic than the british them-selves and were really angry if anyone walked out of a cinema while ‘god save the king’ was being played. now canadians think of themselves as a people in their own right, not tied to either britain or the usa. the usa has not been a threat to canada for almost two hundred years. in fact, the 6,416 km us-canadian frontier is the long-est continuous frontier in the world, has no wire fence, no soldiers, no guns on either side. it is called ‘the border’.
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Переведите нормально )sweden's roland tiensuu, 12, thinks that saving our planet is too important to be left to grown-ups . three years ago, the boy learned from his teacher, eha kern (who shares the prize of $60, 000 with tiensuu), that large areas of rainforests in latin america had been destroyed. tiensuu was worried that by the time he and his class- mates grew up, there would be no rainforests left to save. "i thought, there must be something we can do, " he says. "i saw a television pro- gramme where people planted trees to replace some of those that had been cut down. but of course, we couldn't do that because we lived far away in sweden. then i thought that instead we could buy the rainforest." with the teacher's help tiensuu and the rest of the class organized a bake sale in their small village of fagervik and raised enough money to buy four hectares of rainforest in costa rica. their school campaign started the children's rainforest, a nonprofit organization whose young members in several thousand swedish schools have bought 7, 000 hectares of jungle with the $1.5 million they have raised so far. schoolchildren in germany, japan and the usa have followed their example. the people of costa rica have named part of the rainforest the bosque eterno de los ninos, or the children's eternal forest.
швецияrolandtiensuu, 12,считает, чтосохранениенашей планетыслишком важна, чтобы оставлять еевзрослые.три года назадмальчик научилсяот своего учителя, ehakern (кто разделяетпризв $ 60,000сtiensuu), чтобольшие участкитропических лесов влатинской америкебылоуничтожены.tiensuuбылобеспокоен тем, чток тому временион и егокласстоварищивырос,не было бы никакоголесаоставилидля сохранения."я думал,должно быть что-то,что мы можем сделать", говорит он.« я виделтелевизионнуюпро-грамм, где людисажали деревья, чтобы заменить некоторыеиз тех, чтобыливырублены.но, конечно,мы не моглисделать, потому чтомыжили далекорасстояниев швеции.тогдая думал, чтовместо этого мымогли бы купитьтропический лес".с остальныхклассоворганизовалипродажувыпекатьвнебольшой деревнеfagervikисобрали достаточноденьги на покупкучетырех гектаровтропического леса вкоста-рике.их школакампанияначаласьдетскихвлажных тропических лесов,некоммерческая организация,молодыечлены внесколько тысячшведских школахкупил7000гектаровджунглей с$ 1,5миллионовони поднялидо сих пор.школьникив германии, сшапоследовали их примеру.жителикоста-рикиназваличасть лесаeternoбоске-де-лос-ниньо, иливечныйлесдетей.