
Vocabulary. here are some expressions that can be used to talk about school. 1. match the expression and its meaning. 1 to go to 2). to take exams/ 3). to pass exams/ 4). to fail 5). to be at 6). to be in 7). to be in the a. to attend a school, not a college or a university or have a job. b. to be in the school building for any other reason except studying. c. to be in the school building to study. d. to have a good mark in exams or tests. e. to attend school regularly. f. to do exams. g. to get a very bad mark in exams. 2. fill in the gaps with the expression or part of the expression from ex. 1 in thecorrect form. 1). are you still or at university? 2). jason didn't work hard and the exams. 3). everyone who wants to join an excursion should be at 4 pm. 4). at the end of this year i three i got all good marks. 5). this year you in 4 subjects, won't you? 6). 5-year-old children do a lot of interesting things 7). what do you go

Английский язык



1. 1-e; 2-f; 3-d; 4-g; 5-c; 6-a; 7-b

2. 1) are you still in school or at university?

2) jason didn't work hard and failed the exams.

3) everyone who wants to join an excursion should be  in the school at 4 pm.

4) at the end of this year i passed three exams. i got all good marks.

5) this year you will  take exams in 4 subjects, won't you?

6) 5-year-old children do a lot of interesting things in the school.

7) what way do you go to school?


1) 1-e







2)1). are you still at school or at university? 2). jason didn't work hard fail and   the exams.3). everyone who wants to join an excursion should be in school at 4 pm.4). at the end of this year   i passe   three exams. i got all good marks.5). this year you was good in 4 subjects, won't you? 6). 5-year-old children do a lot of interesting things to go to school.7). what are doing you go in school?















I. перевидите предложения на язык, задайте общий вопрос и постройте отрицательное предложение: 1. his uncle is a computer operator.его отец - компьютерный оператор.who is his uncle? his uncle isn't a computer operator.2. my moyher speaks english well.моя мама хорошо  говорит   по-.what does language does your mother speak well? my motherd  oesn't speak  english well. 3. he finished school last year..он окончил школу в прошлом году.what did he finish last year? he didn't finish school last year.4. she is having breakfast now.она сейчас завтракает.what is she doing now? she isn't having breakfast now.5. tomorrow we'll have 3 double periods.завтра у нас будут три двойные перемены.what will we have tomorrow? tomorrow we won't have 3 double periods.ii. откройте скобки, используя сравнительную или превосходную степени прилагательного или наречия: 1. jane is younger than her sister. she is the youngest child is the family.2. it is the best film i have ever seen.3. her geman is as good as her english.iii. выберите правильное местоимение и перевидите на предложения на язык: 1. i invited my friend to my place.iv. заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу словом и перевидите предложения на язык: 1. do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow? ты знаешь прогноз погоды на завтра? 2. the british like their  pets   very much.британцам нравятся их животные.3. i'am busy on weekdays, but i'am free at the weekend.я занят в будни, но свободен в выходные.4. our  library   is on the second floor.наша библиотека на втором этаже.5. july is the  hottest   season of the year.июль - самый жаркий период в году.v. задайте к этому предложению общий вопрос, специальный вопрос, вопрос к подлежащему, альтернативный вопрос, разделительный вопрос: the students work hard during the term.what do the students do during the term? who works hard during the term? do the students or the teachers work hard during the term? the students work hard during the term, don't they?
1. where is the kremlin situated? the kremlin stands on the bank of the moscow river 2. what places of interest do you know in moscow? there are many places of interest in moscow. the kremlin standing on the bank of the moscow river is the oldest part of the city. moscow is famous for its theatres and museums. the bolshoi and maly theatres, the pushkin museum of fine arts, the tretyakov gallery, the andrey rublev museum and others are well known all over the world.перевод абзацев 2  москва стала столицей советской республики в 1918. сейчас это самый большой политический, научный и культурный центр. население москвы около 10 миллионов человек. в москве более 80 учреждений высшего образования. москов гос универс - это центр нашей образовательной системы. 4  московск метро удобно в использовании и быстрое (можно доехать до любой точки москвы быстро). первая линия москов метро была создана в 1935.  c тех пор москвичи построили много ж\д  линий и вокзалов 4. назовите номер предложения, глагол-сказуемое которого стоит в future continuous tense (будущее длительное время). 3. they will be visiting the tretyakov gallery between two and four o'clock. 5. назовите номер предложения, в котором participle ii (причастие ii) является определением, и переведите это предложение на язык. 2. moscow founded by yuri dolgoruky is one of the oldest russian cities. москва, основанная юрием долгоруким   - это один из самых старых городов россии 6. назовите номер предложения, глагол-сказуемое которого стоит в present perfect tense (настоящее совершенное время), и переведите это предложение на язык: 1. they have never been to moscow. они никогда не были в москве 7. назовите номер предложения, эквивалентного данному предложению: они уже побывали в третьяковской галерее. 3. they have already visited the tretyakov gallery. 8. заполните пропуски прилагательными в соответствующей степени сравнения: 1. the kremlin is   the greatest) monument of russian culture and art. 2. red square is the most beautiful  place in moscow. 3. kiev is older  than moscow.

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Vocabulary. here are some expressions that can be used to talk about school. 1. match the expression and its meaning. 1 to go to 2). to take exams/ 3). to pass exams/ 4). to fail 5). to be at 6). to be in 7). to be in the a. to attend a school, not a college or a university or have a job. b. to be in the school building for any other reason except studying. c. to be in the school building to study. d. to have a good mark in exams or tests. e. to attend school regularly. f. to do exams. g. to get a very bad mark in exams. 2. fill in the gaps with the expression or part of the expression from ex. 1 in thecorrect form. 1). are you still or at university? 2). jason didn't work hard and the exams. 3). everyone who wants to join an excursion should be at 4 pm. 4). at the end of this year i three i got all good marks. 5). this year you in 4 subjects, won't you? 6). 5-year-old children do a lot of interesting things 7). what do you go
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Zhanibekrva Kandaurova