at the entrance to the hotel be sure to check with the local regulations, the list of additional paid services, may be, ask a porter to further questions..2do not forget to thank the staff of the hotel tip for additional services, whether porter, causing you a taxi, the porter who brought your things in the room, or a maid. abroad, there is an unspoken rule..3watch out for their appearance. for example, even at the resorts is considered unacceptable to walk in the room of the hotel in a bathing suit or swimming trunks..4also pay attention to the clothes when visiting the restaurant. this is in no case should not be a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. when hot, put in a light, but a closed-clothes..5the same applies to the cases, when you order food or a newspaper in the room. indecent meet the waiter in the underwear..6if you smoke, then be sure to find out exactly where you can smoke, after which the smoke only in specially designated places..7don't forget in time to pay for additional services (see paragraph 1)..8in the majority of hotels is categorically forbidden to make food from the buffet or breakfast, even if it is included in the price. also, you cannot make your own food and drinks to the room of the restaurant..9all the hotels you cannot make noise after 22-00. it is also unacceptable to arrange fights, fights and scandals in public..10and, of course, you do not have the right to invite foreign spend the night in your room..11leaving from the hotel, don't forget to leave a tip porters and a porter. also it is good manners leave a tip to the maid..12as you can see, there is nothing difficult in the rules of conduct in the hotel. the main thing, as always, remain polite man. we wish you good rest!
Наконец он увидел свою птицу на дереве! он был так счастлив! он попросил птицу вернуться домой, но птица не хотела этого. птица сказала старому человеку: " тебе большое. ты хорошо заботился обо мне. но я не вернусь домой. мне не нравится твоя жена." затем птица подняла две корзины - одну большую, а другую маленькую - около старого человека и сказала: "возьми корзину, которая тебе больше нравится и возвращайся домой." старый человек птицу, взял меньшую корзину и отправился домой. дома старый человек захотел увидеть, что находится в корзине. он открыл корзину и обнаружил, что она полна золота. старый человек сказал своей жене, что золото - это подарок птицы."ты не умная! я умнее тебя! "
1 the components were inserted into the device 2 the new equipment has just been installed 3 the benefits of the production are seen 4 new ideas will be intoduced by the manager 5 the company is supplied with spare parts 6 their product range was diversified by the company last year 7 programmes are reviewed every year by him 8 the question is being discussed by smith 9 robert was being translating the letter for 20 minutes 10 the shop has been provided with clothes for 10 years by us 21 were developed 2 sells 3 has increased 4 produces 5 conducted, are admired 6 negotiates discusses 7 are solved 8 were employed is investigating 9 will be produced 10 will be baught 3 1 the bank clients were informed about increase of interest rate 2 the operation has just been finished 3 the article will be published in next edition of the newspaper 4 this problem is now being studied by the department of scientific research 5 the equipment was modernised three years ago 6 was the project accepted by the board of directors 7 some consingments were bought in two years 8 this plan is now being discussed on the conference 9 how many letters were recieved in three months 10 the company is headed by john smith
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Напишите правила поведения в гостинице на языке.140-180 слов
at the entrance to the hotel be sure to check with the local regulations, the list of additional paid services, may be, ask a porter to further questions..2do not forget to thank the staff of the hotel tip for additional services, whether porter, causing you a taxi, the porter who brought your things in the room, or a maid. abroad, there is an unspoken rule..3watch out for their appearance. for example, even at the resorts is considered unacceptable to walk in the room of the hotel in a bathing suit or swimming trunks..4also pay attention to the clothes when visiting the restaurant. this is in no case should not be a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. when hot, put in a light, but a closed-clothes..5the same applies to the cases, when you order food or a newspaper in the room. indecent meet the waiter in the underwear..6if you smoke, then be sure to find out exactly where you can smoke, after which the smoke only in specially designated places..7don't forget in time to pay for additional services (see paragraph 1)..8in the majority of hotels is categorically forbidden to make food from the buffet or breakfast, even if it is included in the price. also, you cannot make your own food and drinks to the room of the restaurant..9all the hotels you cannot make noise after 22-00. it is also unacceptable to arrange fights, fights and scandals in public..10and, of course, you do not have the right to invite foreign spend the night in your room..11leaving from the hotel, don't forget to leave a tip porters and a porter. also it is good manners leave a tip to the maid..12as you can see, there is nothing difficult in the rules of conduct in the hotel. the main thing, as always, remain polite man. we wish you good rest!