Naruto, a popular anime that was invented by Masashi Kishimoto. Anime Naruto came up so that people do not give up. For example, Naruto sealed the monster so he became an outcast and no one was friends with him, but then he joined team number 7 and it became his first friends. He did not give up and trained, defeated villains and his notable dream came true he was recognized by the whole village but he wanted to become a hokage (as president) he grew up gained incredible strength and became a hokage. Then he started a family. Bottom line: Naruto is more than anime.
For starters, what is Naruto for me? For me, Naruto is the first anime that seemed the most fascinating and long, because I love everything long, both books and anime. After the end of each anime, I feel a sense of longing and loneliness, as if saying goodbye to a friend forever. Therefore, I'm watching Naruto because it's not going to end.
Next, it is worth considering the controversial thesis that there is such a long anime as one peace, which I do not watch because I do not like the drawing. Hence, I watch Naruto because of the good drawing.
But these are all bare facts that do not affect the plot and content of Naruto. Any anime has at least a grain of philosophy. The older the age category for which the anime is designed , the more serious questions are raised. I'm starting to notice that Naruto anime has several layers, the purpose of which is to interest different ages.
What catches me in Naruto? In the first season - humor, but now I understand that I will never review the entire series, I am interested in what will happen next, while I can review Gintama endlessly, sometimes one episode at a time, sometimes several, sometimes from the beginning to the end. In Gintam, not that there is no plot, just each series is a story about the characters I love. Yes, there is toilet humor, but it is like a filter that filters out those who do not see the main thing in Gintam... but this is the subject of another essay. From all this paragraph absolutely does not follow, but I will draw a conclusion - I watch Naruto, because there is humor and a plot, although not as interesting as in Gintama. And there are also questions that have absolutely nothing to do with my life, but I am a philosopher by education and at heart, who likes to ask questions of being and attempts to find answers to them in Naruto are also interesting to me.
1. If I were you, I wouldn’t stop investigating this crime. 2. As far as I know, this device improves our lives. But every medal has its flip side. 3. I’d appreciate it if you’d attend my lectures cursorily. 4. He said that he had been working on the problem of fission of the atom for 17 years. 5. The role and impact of healthy nutrition on our health cannot be overemphasized. 6. I would recommend that you read the article on the extraordinary discovery today if you had processed it yourself yesterday.7. This time tomorrow we’ll be watching a video of the rapid development of China’s economy.
8. Many scientists show real courage when they reveal the secrets of our planet.
9. If you had used this device last week, you would have doubled the speed of the task.
10. If we cared about our environment the way our ancestors did, we wouldn’t have so many health problems right now.
11. I am trying to trade all my skills and knowledge to cover all aspects of the phenomenon.
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Перевод на , , внимание на времена past simple и past continious. в 6-ом предложении используется present continious. 1) когда я приехал на станцию, поезд начал движение. 2) когда дверь открылась, я увидела катю, она читала книгу. 3) я шёл по улице и встретил своего соседа. 4) светило солнце, пели птицы, я лежал и слушал музыку. 5) я вышел из дома, сел в такси, но опоздал на работу 6) почему ты улыбаешься? что-то не так?
1) when iarrived at the station, the trainbegan tomove.2) when thedoor opened, isawkate, she was readinga book.3) iwas walkingdown the streetand met myneighbor.4) thesun was shining,the birds were singing, ilay and listenedto music.5) ileft the house, got intoa taxi, butwas late for work6) whyare you smiling? something wrong?