
Составить вопросы: общие вопросы, специальные, вопросы к подлежащему 1. peter has opened the window. 2. we have read a very good book. 3. mary has lost her dog. 4. my friends have gone to school. 5. they've seen an interesting film. 6. misha's been to london. 7. you've bought the book. 8. we've finished our work.

Английский язык


Ioanova Korneeva1093

1. peter has opened the window.

has peter opened the window?

what has peter done?

who has opened the window?


2. we have read a very good book.

have we read a very good book?

what have we read?

who has read a very good book? 3. mary has lost her dog.

has mary lost her dog?

where has mary lost her dog?

who has lost her dog? 4. my friends have gone to school.

have my friends gone to school?

where have my friends gone?

who has gone to school? 5. they've seen an interesting film.

have they seen an interesting film?

what have they seen?

who has seen an interestin gfilm? 6. misha's been to london.

has misha been to london?

where has misha been to?

who has been to london? 7. you've bought the book.

have you bought the book?

what have you bought?

who has bought the book? 8. we've finished our work.

have we finished our work?

what have you finished?

who has finished his work?


1. who has opened the window?

has peter opened the window?

what has peter opened?

2.who has read a very good book?

have they read a very good book?

what have they read?

3. who has lost her dog?

has mary lost her dog?

what has mary lost?

4. who has gone to school?

have my friends gone to school?

where have my friends gone?

5. who has seen an interesting film?

have they seen an interesting film?

what have they seen?

6. who has been to london?

has misha been to london?

where has misha been?

7. who has bought a book?

have they bought a book?

what have they bought?

8. who has finished the work?

have they finished their work?

what have they finished?

Спортивный клуб "эллада" объявляет набор школьников 7-9 классов в бесплатную  группу активного отдыха.  занятия будут проводиться по и субботам в 17.00.  в программе:   1. бег трусцой  2. плавание в открытом бассейне  3. пеший туризм  4. занятия фитнесом  5. аэробика  6. легкая атлетика. справка о состоянии здоровья обязательна.  оргкомитет  ********************************************** sports club "hellas" declares a set of students of 7-9 grades in a group of a free  outdoor  activity.  classes will be held on wednesdays and saturdays at 5 pm.  in the program:   1. jogging  2. swimming in the outdoor pool  3. hiking  4. fitness classes  5. aerobics  6. athletics.  certificate of health is required.  the organizing committee
Advertisement for free-time outdoor activities flight by a balloon!         get an  exciting and unforgettable flight by a balloon for 45 minutes! you can see our city from a bird high flight! apply today and get a 10%  discount! you can take wondeful photos or even film your flight!           flight fee per 1 person: 45$         flight fee for children under 11: 30$         flight fee for seniors and students: 35$ welcome to our balloon!  

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Составить вопросы: общие вопросы, специальные, вопросы к подлежащему 1. peter has opened the window. 2. we have read a very good book. 3. mary has lost her dog. 4. my friends have gone to school. 5. they've seen an interesting film. 6. misha's been to london. 7. you've bought the book. 8. we've finished our work.
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