
Сказать, кто в вашей семье что ! : goes shopping, makes your bed, lays the table, answers phones calls, makes cakes, cleans the rooms, feeds the pets, waters the flowers, repairs the bike/ scoter, cooks breakfast and lunch, does the washing up. exampel: my mother cooks brekfest.i water the flowers. кто нибудь !

Английский язык



  my family is very unusual. my elder sister usually goes shopping and also sometimes makes my bed. my mother usually does the washing up and lays the table, but sometimes my granny helps to my my with cooking the dinner and the lunch. my aunt clear usually makes tasty cakes.we like it so much! i usually water the flowers,clean the room becides my bed. my dad rapairs my our car,my bike and my brother`s scooter. also he answers phones calls and reads the brother watches some films which he likes.


i go shopping every day. i like do it very much

my mum makes our beds

i fed our pets

i like cooking and i lay the table

my mum warters the flowers in ur flat every week

i don't like to washing up. but i do it.becouse i think that i must to help my mum


I'd like to tell you about my winter holidays. i spend in bukovel. it was just two years ago. my parents and me were sitting in the living-room discussing the winter holidays. my father suggested that we should go to bukovel. so,one winter morning we started for our journey to bukovel. we travelled by train. i was really impressed with bukovel. our hotel was situated in the mountains. there are many teenagers in our hotel and i had an opportiunity to make friends with them. we clamed the mountains,skated,skied,played snowballs. if you want to have a great winter holiday,you should spend it in bukovel.
Present simple she always gets to work early. i never eat breakfast we often walk in the park. утвердительные предложения: i have played we have played you have played you have played he / she / it has played they have played вопросительные предложения: have i played? have we played? have you played? have you played? has he / she / it played? have they played? отрицательные предложения: i have not played we have not played you have not played you have not played he / she / it has not played they have not played

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Сказать, кто в вашей семье что ! : goes shopping, makes your bed, lays the table, answers phones calls, makes cakes, cleans the rooms, feeds the pets, waters the flowers, repairs the bike/ scoter, cooks breakfast and lunch, does the washing up. exampel: my mother cooks brekfest.i water the flowers. кто нибудь !
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