Написать комментарий на языке к цитате (100-120 слов) "some people think football is a matter of life and death. i don't like that attitude. it is more serious than that." ! ,
Football is a very important thing. for example, in early times for playing tennis or for swimming people needed special balls, rockets, bathing costumes, uniforms and other equipments. but for playing football we can still go to the nearest market and buy a cheap ball, or as pele (one of the most famous football players in the world), who didn't have money at all, just took many old, dirty socks and rolled them to create a ball. of course, football is very attractive and interesting game, and i like it. i think every boy must play football very well, if, of course, he wants to become a real man : )) писала я ) всё сама : )
Ушкина по праву можно назваь солнцем поэзии. он входит в нашу жизнь с самого раннего детства. по мере взросления мы знакомимся сначала с его прекрасными сказками, заем произведениями в стихах и прозе. все они достойны восхищения. зык пушкина живой, красивый, полон красок и эмоций. именно а. с. пушкину, возник тот тот самый язык, на котором мы сейчас изъясняемся. именно он внес большие изменения в произншение и написание слов. языком великого пушкина мы учимся красиво и правильно выражать свои мысли, описывать природу, признаваться в своих чувствах. мало кому известно, но а. с. пушкин внес вклад даже в создание новых славянских имен. при написании сказки "руслан и людмила" появились новые имена : руслан, ратмир, фарлаф. но закрепилось имя только главного героя, так как он обладал положительными чертами и освободил людмилу и женился на ней. творчество а. с. пушкина бессмертно. хорошо, что он осознавал это и сам. в этом убеждаемся, когда читаем его стиховрение "я памятник воздвиг себе неруктворный", этот памятник останется в нашей памяти и . и никто и никогда не сможет его свергнуть.
The republic of kazakhstan occupies the territory of the second, and in population the fifth largest in the cis. it stretches from the volga to the altai mountains from siberia to central asia in the area of 2.7 million square km, the length of its territory from west to east 3000 km and from north to south and 1700 km from the nature of kazakhstan is various. almost a quarter of kazakh land - the wilderness, they occupy almost the entire northern kazakhstan from the urals to the irtysh. here fertile soils and summer pastures, here they sow wheat, barley, getting a good harvest. south kazakhstan is famous for its cotton, rice and melons. seas and lakes of kazakhstan are rich in fish. in the caspian sea, offshore kazakhstan, in a large number caught herring and sturgeon.kazakhstan has a rich historical past. already 2500 years ago the territory was inhabited by numerous tribes: saka, the massagetae, issedona and others. they knew how to manufacture bronze and copper implements, were engaged in cattle breeding, hunting and fishing.kazakhstan land is wonderful, here miraculously intertwined one hundred and five nationalities.how to manufacture bronze and copper implements, were engaged in cattle breeding, hunting and fishing.kazakhstan land is wonderful, here miraculously intertwined one hundred and five nationalities.not only because it is a wonderful culture, but man himself, stepping on the land of kazakhstan becomes more beautiful body and soul. here all live in peace and harmony with each other. можешь перевести в переводчике))
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Написать комментарий на языке к цитате (100-120 слов) "some people think football is a matter of life and death. i don't like that attitude. it is more serious than that." ! ,