Написать рассказ 5-8 предложений на тему: -what are your friend's usual pastime; -what are your friend's most important home life problrms не понимаю , , надо: зз
мой друг любит проводить свободное время за компьютером. в выходные дни его просто не увидить на улице. конечно он выходит погулять, но это бывает редко. он больше любит обстоновку, чем уличную. за компьютером он где-то в своем мире.
my friend very much likes to spend free time at the computer. in its days off it is simple not to see on the street. certainly it goes out for a walk, but it happens seldom. he loves a house situation, than street more. at the computer it somewhere in the world.
1. the house is protected by a marble pavillion. 2. the roof of the house will be painted by the boys. 3. t he fence was whitewashed by tom sawyer. 4. she was given three beautiful dishes by her daughters as a birthday present. 5. nick was given by tom a book for his birthday. 6. we are told stories by our mother every evening. 7. a new book of pictures will be shown to you by lydia. 8. she was shown the way by a boy. 9. we will be sent by them a box of fruit. 10. they were followedby five or six small children. 11. in summer the horses are often driven by the boys to the fields. 12. the poles were led by ivan susanin into the thickest part of the forest. 13. the boat was carried away by the waves. 14. the translation will be done by us in the evening. 15. the flowers are regularly watered by them.
1. teach: avoid the tram in front, bus back. 1. учат: обходи трамвай спереди, автобус - сзади. 2. teach: when crossing the street look left, and reaching the middle - look to the right. 2. учат: при переходе улицы посмотри налево, а дойдя до середины - посмотри направо. 3. teach: red - stop, yellow - ready, green - go. love to use the poem: "red - stop, yellow - wait, green - go". 3. учат: красный - стоп, жёлтый - приготовься, зелёный - иди. любят использовать стихотворение: «красный - стой, жёлтый - жди, а зелёный - проходи». 4. teach: if you do not have time to cross the road, stop at the "island" or on the middle of the road. 4. учат: если не успел перейти дорогу, остановись на «островке безопасности» или на середине дороги. 5. teach: don't play on the road, off road and play in the yard. 5. учат: не играй на дороге, у дороги, а играй во дворе дома.
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Написать рассказ 5-8 предложений на тему: -what are your friend's usual pastime; -what are your friend's most important home life problrms не понимаю , , надо: зз
мой друг любит проводить свободное время за компьютером. в выходные дни его просто не увидить на улице. конечно он выходит погулять, но это бывает редко. он больше любит обстоновку, чем уличную. за компьютером он где-то в своем мире.
my friend very much likes to spend free time at the computer. in its days off it is simple not to see on the street. certainly it goes out for a walk, but it happens seldom. he loves a house situation, than street more. at the computer it somewhere in the world.