Past simple и present perfect 1. i saw you yesterday. 2. i have read this book. 3. i understood the text. 4. i met him yesterday. 5. he has already found the book. 6-7. he said, he knew her adress. 8. i told her this story. 9. our team didn`t win the championship last year. 10. i have already done the exercise. 11. he wrote a book last year. 12. he taught me a good lesson. 13. sorry, i forgot your address. 14-15. i took my umbrella and went out. 15. i left my umbrella at home. 16. made in china)) 17. i have cut my hair off. 18. i won the prize last time. 19. i lost my bag yesterday. 20. he has paid the price. 21. he came late last evening. 22. she gave me a good advice. 23. i`ve already heard the story. 24. you could learn it by heart, but you didn`t. shame on you! 25. i thought he was my friend. 26-27. everyone became quiet and sat down in their seats as the show started. 28. the lesson has already begun. 29. he drove his car too fast last time. 30. i spoke to me friend yesterday.
Смотрите молодые птицы растянуть свои крылья. и смотреть, когда junior jumbo» ходит. этот маленький слон любит прогуляться. и эти забавные маленькие обезьяны всегда полны веселья; размахивая прыгать, чеканка и болтать.у нас есть более чем 5000 насекомые, большие и малые, ходьба, прыжки, спать. и когда он кормил раз в зоопарке, посмотрите на всех этих акул, дайвинг для их ежедневного улова. wowlevery жизни thingthe зоологического общества лондона борется спасти исчезающих видов животных по всему миру. африканский слон, гигантская панда, черный носорог, лишь некоторые из жевотных