i am interested in a job of lawyer, because it is interesting and i like helping people.
every lawyer must protect the law. i think it is difficult. besides i think the job of lawyer will allow me to have success in my life. i will have good career opportunities. i will be able to earn a high salary. i must be financially independent. more than that i need to work hard. this career requires deep knoweledge, hard working and luck. i also need to develop communication skills. and i should always show initiative. i think i will be a good lawyer and i hope i. will be useful for people.
Dear steve, i was glad to get your letter. i was very interested to read your news! in your letter you ask me about my preferences related to movies. of course, i love movies and often watch them in the cinema. it's great fun to enjoy a good movie! as a rule, my friends and i go to the movies twice a month. last week we saw "puss in boots." this funny cartoon, we laughed a lot. my dream - to see the old silent films. unfortunately, they are not shown in the film at the moment. i'm sorry, i now need to go to the store. stay connected. with love, andrew
Строгость родителей - обычно проявление их заботы, переживаний. например, мне моя мама не разрешает идти куда-то вечером, гулять до темноты, и я понимаю её доводы. такая строгость нужна. но всё хорошо в пределах разумного.< br /> быть строгим родителем и лишать ребёнка свободы - две абсолютно разные вещи. если сыну или дочери постоянно что-то запрещать, то у них появляется непреодолимая жажда свободы. как говорится, запретный плод сладок. те дети, которым не права выбора, не могут отличить хорошее от плохого, потому что им всегда запрещали и то, и другое.< br /> взрослым часто сложно понять ребёнка, и это может к тяжелым последствиям в семье.< br /> думаю, что самое верное решение – это не протестовать, не бунтовать против авторитета старших, а находить компромисс и научиться доверять друг другу. тогда все будут довольны и счастливы: и подростки, и их родители.
i am interested in a job of lawyer, because it is interesting and i like helping people.
every lawyer must protect the law. i think it is difficult. besides i think the job of lawyer will allow me to have success in my life. i will have good career opportunities. i will be able to earn a high salary. i must be financially independent. more than that i need to work hard. this career requires deep knoweledge, hard working and luck. i also need to develop communication skills. and i should always show initiative. i think i will be a good lawyer and i hope i. will be useful for people.