my favorite book is «stories about sherlock holms» by arthur conan doyle.
arthur conan doyle was a scottish physician and writer, most noted for his stories about the detective sherlock holmes.
the author starts telling us about a client mary morstan comes to holmes with two puzzles-the first is the disappearance of her father captain arthur morstan in 1878. the only friend he has is a major sholto who denies having seen morstan. and second she has received 6 pearls in the mail from an anonymous benefactor once a year since 1882. she asks to help her with the unusual cause. holmes, watson, and mary go to researchers. the text goes on to say they find strange paper in the residence of sholto-son of the late major sholto. however mary’s father captain arthur morstan suffered a heart attack. not wanting to bring attention to the object of the quarrel to public notice, sholto disposed of the body and hid the treasure. his own health becomes worse when he receives a letter from india. morstan's death and is about to divulge the location of the treasure when he suddenly shouts out. his body is a note reading "the sign of four". moreover sherlock holmes and watson find out that this sign belongs to a secret society of some convicts from india. also they detected an impression of a wooden stump. mary morstan is left without the bulk of the agra treasure-although she will apparently receive the rest of the chaplet. john watson falls in love with her and intends to marry her. holmes will go back to his violin and solving mysteries at 221b baker st.
in conclusion i think arthur conan doyle engaged us in interesting events which was full of mysteries and we tried to find out something but it was impossible without sherlock holmes.
frankly speaking i found this text interesting and exciting to understand because this story is full of dangerous situations, realistic details and also thrilling moments. i am sure this story had been read all adults and almost all teenagers.
Мама, линда пригласила меня остаться у них, с ей семьёй на следующие выходные.- действительно? я думаю,было бы неплохо, но нам сначала следует спросить у отца, не так обращается к отцу) дэвид, линда пригласила клэри (или как её там,дочь в общем) остаться у неё на следующие выходные.-неплохая идея, они хорошо проведут время вместе, я уверен. клэри (или чери) что вы собираетесь (планируете) делать там? -надеемся хорошо провести время!
Ответь сначала на , как ты сама думаешь. могу предложить перевод, может и сорентируешься мы нуждаемся в воде? как много воды ты выпиваешь в день? растения в воде? могут ли морские животные жить без воды? можем ли мы ? вода загрязнена в нашей стране, в твоей местности/регионе? должны или не должны мы защитить морскую воду? как мы должны защитить ее ? есть ли у нас достаточное количество питьевой воды? в общем удачи, тут размахнуться на целое эссе можно. тренируй свой с:
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my favorite book is «stories about sherlock holms» by arthur conan doyle.
arthur conan doyle was a scottish physician and writer, most noted for his stories about the detective sherlock holmes.
the author starts telling us about a client mary morstan comes to holmes with two puzzles-the first is the disappearance of her father captain arthur morstan in 1878. the only friend he has is a major sholto who denies having seen morstan. and second she has received 6 pearls in the mail from an anonymous benefactor once a year since 1882. she asks to help her with the unusual cause. holmes, watson, and mary go to researchers. the text goes on to say they find strange paper in the residence of sholto-son of the late major sholto. however mary’s father captain arthur morstan suffered a heart attack. not wanting to bring attention to the object of the quarrel to public notice, sholto disposed of the body and hid the treasure. his own health becomes worse when he receives a letter from india. morstan's death and is about to divulge the location of the treasure when he suddenly shouts out. his body is a note reading "the sign of four". moreover sherlock holmes and watson find out that this sign belongs to a secret society of some convicts from india. also they detected an impression of a wooden stump. mary morstan is left without the bulk of the agra treasure-although she will apparently receive the rest of the chaplet. john watson falls in love with her and intends to marry her. holmes will go back to his violin and solving mysteries at 221b baker st.
in conclusion i think arthur conan doyle engaged us in interesting events which was full of mysteries and we tried to find out something but it was impossible without sherlock holmes.
frankly speaking i found this text interesting and exciting to understand because this story is full of dangerous situations, realistic details and also thrilling moments. i am sure this story had been read all adults and almost all teenagers.