
:) заранее : *nick is punished and is staying at home. he's thinking of the things he could do. what is he thinking about? begin with if i . example: if i had the key to the door, i could go out. if i had an interesting book, i could read it.

Английский язык



if i had a tv ,i could watch fa film

if i had   computer ,i could play cjmputer games

if i had pazzles ,i could play pazzles

if i had a mobile ,i could call to my friend


Питание является неотъемлемой частью нашей повседневной жизни. одна известная пословица гласит «мы то, что мы едим», и это правда. пища, которую мы едим, может влиять на наше тело и наше сознание. она содержит питательные вещества, такие как белки, витамины, минералы, жиры, углеводы. различные продукты содержит различные питательные вещества. например, мы можем получить много витаминов, кушая фрукты и овощи. что касается меня, я люблю салаты, но я не люблю мясные продукты. пища, которую выбираем для еды зависит от многих факторов. первым и наиболее важным является вкус. если нам нравится вкус продукта, мы часто едим его. вторым фактором является его питательная ценность. если продукт является здоровым и полезным для нашего организма, мы должны добавить его в наш рацион. другие факторы включают культуру и религию. реклама также сильно влияет на наш выбор. когда мы видим красочные объявления по телевизору, мы решаем попробовать этот продукт. для некоторых людей еда просто как заправка для получения энергии. для меня это удовольствие. мне нравится почти все, кроме мясных продуктов и шпината. обычно за день у меня три или четыре приема пищи. на завтрак я предпочитаю чашку чая с сэндвичем из сыра и ветчины. иногда я ем хлопья с молоком и выпиваю стакан апельсинового сока. на обед я предпочитаю салаты из свежих овощей и суп. примерно в 5 вечера я выпиваю чашку кофе с песочным печеньем. на ужин мне нравятся макароны или рис с овощами. иногда я ем картофель фри и гамбургеры, но я знаю, что они содержат много жира. вот почему я стараюсь реже есть фаст-фуд. я также стараюсь сократить употребление сахара и соли. food is an essential part of our daily life. one famous english saying goes “we are what we eat”, and it’s true. the food we eat can influence our body and our mind. it contains nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates. different products contain different nutrients. for example, we can get lots of vitamins eating fruit and vegetables. as for me, i like salads very much but i don’t like meat products. the food we choose to eat depends on many factors. first and the most important is the taste. if we like the taste of the product, we often eat it. the second factor is its nutritional value. if the product is healthy and useful for our body, we should add it to our ration. other factors include culture and religion. advertising also influences our choices a lot. when we see colourful ads on tv, we decide to try the product. for some people food is just a fuel for energy. for me, it’s a pleasure. i like almost everything, except meat products and spinach. my usual day includes three or four meals. for breakfast, i prefer a cup of tea with a cheese and ham sandwich. sometimes i eat cereal with milk and drink a glass of orange juice. for lunch, i prefer salads from fresh vegetables and a soup. at about 5pm i have a cup of coffee with shortcake. for dinner, i like pasta or rice with vegetables. sometimes i eat french fries and hamburgers but i know that it contains a lot of fat. that’s why i try to cut down on fast food. i also try to it less sugar and salt.
In 1777, joseph montgolfier noticed  that smoke had the power to lift things up and carry them through the air.  along  with his brother  jacques, he began performing experiments on something that later became the first hot-air balloon. the montgolfier brothers quickly realised that it was heat that had the power to lift things. on 19th september 1783, they presented their first hot-air balloon, which was made from paper and cloth. the montgolfier brothers were too nervous to go up in the balloon themselves, so instead they put a sheep, a duck and a chicken in the basket that hung below the balloon.the new invention was a great success and the animals landed safe and sound, and the first flight consisting of human passengers took place in paris on 21st november 1783   starting a long tradition of hot-air ballooning.

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:) заранее : *nick is punished and is staying at home. he's thinking of the things he could do. what is he thinking about? begin with if i . example: if i had the key to the door, i could go out. if i had an interesting book, i could read it.
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