
Перепишите следующие пары предложений, чтобы сделать одно предложение используя: who, which, whom, that, where и whose что бы сделать одно предложение. 1) our neighbours come from australia. their children are studying at university. 2) phoebus was the name of the god of the sun. it is pronounced feebus. 3) columbus was a famous explorer. he discovered the americas. 4) flyer is the name of an early aeroplane. it was flown by the wright brothers.

Английский язык



1)our neighbors come from australia whose children are studying at university.

2)phoebus was the name of the god of the sun which is pronounced feebus.

3)columbus was a famous explorer who discovered the america.

4)flyer is the name of en early aeroplane which was flown by the wright brothers.


1) our neighbours come from australia whose children are studying at university.

2) phoebus was the name of the god of the sun which  is pronounced feebus.

3) columbus was a famous explorer who discovered the americas.

4) flyer is the name of an early aeroplane that  was flown by the wright brothers.

Дом о котором я мечтаю a person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends he spends his time with. everybody has in mind an “ideal house” and an “ideal home”. how do i see my “ideal house”, how do i see my life there? there are many kinds of dwellings, from town houses, which include terraced houses, semi-detached, detached houses, to country houses. i want to live in my own house, maybe in a cottage in the suburbs. my house will consist of the ground and the first floor. there will be six rooms in it. in front of the house i will have a small garden with different flowers. i’ll also have a garage for my car. here is a brief description of the house i dream of. my bathroom is very good-looking: the walls are tiled in cream, the washbasin, the toilet are pastel pink. my towels are also pink. then i go to the kitchen to have breakfast. it is always pleasant to cook in it because it is very comfortable. i make my tea and sandwiches and have breakfast. then i go to my work, but in the evening “there is no place like home”. i have rest in the living-room. i can sit on the sofa and read or watch tv. then i go to the bedroom. it is my favourite room. here i sleep and see my sweet dreams.
Давным-давно в одной деревне жил домовой.никто его не видел, но все видели то, что он вытворял в деревне.он ходил ко всем в дом и безобразничал - разбивал посуду, рассыпал соль.его прозвали кузька-хулиган.только к одной старушке он приходил чаще всего - все удивлялись "почему? ".но однажды  - он снова пришёл к старушке.как только кузька-хулиган вошёл в дом, как увидел, что на пороге лежит только что испечёный каравай с парным молоком.домовой не смогу устоять перед всем этим и отведал всего.пришёл на следующий день - всё повторилось.ему было настолько вкусно, что он не стал безобразничать в этом доме.он полюбил старушку и её готовку и перестал безобразничать. теперь он понял, что творить зло - плохо, ведь старушка знала, что он приносит беды, но всё равно каждый день готовила ему что-нибудь вкусненькое.

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Перепишите следующие пары предложений, чтобы сделать одно предложение используя: who, which, whom, that, where и whose что бы сделать одно предложение. 1) our neighbours come from australia. their children are studying at university. 2) phoebus was the name of the god of the sun. it is pronounced feebus. 3) columbus was a famous explorer. he discovered the americas. 4) flyer is the name of an early aeroplane. it was flown by the wright brothers.
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