
Перевидите ) только нормально) we had one phone in our house . it was not only wired to the wall, it was on the wall and had a very shot cord. if you wanted to call someone you stood facing the phone to dial the number. you never knew if one or more neighbours were listening as all they had to do is pick up thier receiver to eavesdrop on you conversation . back then teenage conversations weren't so important . any adult wanting the line could interrupt you . unfortunately , there were no other options for communicating. there were no personal computers, no internet , no e-mail, no text messaging or chat rooms.that landline phone was all we had . still trying to avoid eavesdropping , i turned sideways trying not to listen to either of them . you see, i'm old enough to control my behaviour but not old enough to have poor hearing . i could not hearing their conversation.

Английский язык



у нас был одинтелефон в нашемдоме.он былне только подключен кстене, этобыло на стенеи имел провод.если выхотели позвонить своим друзьям ивстал лицом ктелефону, чтобы набрать номер.вы никогда незнали, что еслиодна или несколькососедислушали, как и всеони должны былисделать, это забратьthierприемник, чтобы подслушатьразговорна вас.в то времяподростковогоразговоры былине так важны.любой взрослыйжелающихлиния можетпрервать вас.к сожалению, не былоникаких других возможностей дляобщения.тамне было ниперсональных компьютеров, ниинтернета, ниэлектронной почты, нитекстовых сообщенийили чатаrooms.thatстационарный телефонвсе, что мыимели.все еще пытаясьизбежатьподслушивания,яповернулся боком, стараясь неслушатьлюбой из них.видите ли, ядостаточно стар, чтобыконтролировать своеповедение, ноне достаточно стар, чтобы иметьплохой слух.я не могуслышавих разговор.


ответ: 1. What is your favourite subjects? – Russian and English.

a) am b) is c) are

2. What kinds of books does your friend

a) likes b) liked c) like

3. My mum … a lemon cake yesterday.

a) makes b) made c) will make

4. There … a lot of people in the zoo last week-end.

a) were b) are c) will be

5. Tomorrow our class … a test.

a) write b) wrote c) will write

*****Упражнение 2. Вставьте: (4 балла)

- have to

- has to

- had to

- will have to

или has. Образец: Hi! I’m Tom. I have a big family.

1. Greg and Polly _______ a big house by the lake.

2. The house _______ a green roof and pink walls.

3. We ________ a big green garden.

4. They ________ a black car.

5. Sally _______ four cows.

6. My dog _______ a bone.

1. Greg and Polly _____ buy a big house this year.

2. We ____ water plants in the garden tomorrow.

3. They _____ met his school friend last week.

4. Jack _____ feed four cats every day.



1) The Red Sea. 2) The Urals. 3) The Volga. 4) The Alps. 5) The Caucasus Mountains. 6) The Thames. 7) Madrid. 8) Africa. 9) North America. 10) South America. 11) Oxford Street. 12) Red Square. 13) Hyde Park. 14) Lake Baikal. 16) Europe.

Артикль the не употребляется с названиями континентов, планет, стран, городов, улиц, озер, с названиями университетов, храмов, праздников.

Артикль the используется с названиями морей, рек, гор, отелей, музеев, театров. The ставим перед фамилией что обозначает семью (the Smiths).

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Перевидите ) только нормально) we had one phone in our house . it was not only wired to the wall, it was on the wall and had a very shot cord. if you wanted to call someone you stood facing the phone to dial the number. you never knew if one or more neighbours were listening as all they had to do is pick up thier receiver to eavesdrop on you conversation . back then teenage conversations weren't so important . any adult wanting the line could interrupt you . unfortunately , there were no other options for communicating. there were no personal computers, no internet , no e-mail, no text messaging or chat rooms.that landline phone was all we had . still trying to avoid eavesdropping , i turned sideways trying not to listen to either of them . you see, i'm old enough to control my behaviour but not old enough to have poor hearing . i could not hearing their conversation.
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Sergei Gaishun