You better тебе лучше watch out быть начеку, you better not cry, тебе лучше перестать плакать, you better not pout i'm tellin' you why, тебе лучше перестать надувать губки, сейчас объясню, santa claus is coming to town, санта клаус приезжает в город, he's making a list checkin it twice, он составил список и дважды его проверил, he's gonna find out whos naughty or nice, он собирается узнать, кто хорошо себя вел, а кто плохо, santa claus is coming to town санта клаус приезжает в город, the boys and girls in toyland will have a new physiqe
Yuliya Aleksandr686
Baseball is the most popular game in the us. it is played throughout the spring and summer by schools, colleges and professional teams. football is the most popular game in the autumn. there are professional football teams in all the main cities of the united states. in american football there are eleven players in each team, as in the original football, but the rules are different. players are often hurt in american football. so the teams wear special clothing and helmets as in hockey. basketball is a very popular game in the united states too. it is especially popular in high schools, both among boys and girls. the game of golf is very popular with budsinessmen and professional people. it is played by both men and women. there are now mdore golfers than tennis players. swimming, water skiing and skin diving are popular summer sports. in winter many people go in for ice-skating, skiing and hockey if they live in the northern and central states. other sports include wrestling, boxing and horse racing.
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