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Английский язык



the knowledge day 

while knowledge is a power

encouraging your way 

on having opened your cover..

you'll discover 

the way of flower

and the way of flour.

get know,

challenge trying high and low, 

let your existence show you

experienced, lucky life - 

he best of shows!


ответ:Nowadays, the place we live is in great danger. There are a lot of things, which affect the Earth. Factories waste and exhaust gases, deforestation, poisoning of the air and water pollution, destruction of the ozone layer and global warming – these are the problems which a modern human should face. The main question is what is needed to be done to make the things better? Is it possible to change the current situation somehow?

I think, there are some steps that could help people to improve the things. The first that we are able to do is to change the way of life. In my opinion, we should begin with something very simple. For example, start using public transport instead of our cars, we can use glass and wood instead of plastic, it will be effective if the people organize planting of the trees and renovation of the parks.As you can understand, many serious problems exist and these solutions can be ineffective. The main task is to save the planet which is going to be destroyed. We understand, that there is no opportunity to renew the nature completely, but it is possible to make some improvements. If people realize the size of the problem and all the possible consequences, there will be an encouragement for them to take some measures.Talking about the saving of the environment, it is important to remember three basic rules: reduce, reuse and recycle. It is very simple, but somehow we tend to forget about it. If we reduce the usage of natural resources, we will have an opportunity to consume energy and water more wisely. Reusing will help to prevent total exhaustion of natural goods, such as trees and water. Recycling will help to prevent high levels of pollution.To my mind, we should also look for the alternative energy sources. These could be wind, water and solar energy. In the whole world, scientists are making efforts and looking for ways to use all the resources properly, so I hope that in future they will have a chance to succeed. That means that The source of human life on the Earth is water and it needs our attention and protection. Many factories throw the wastes into the rivers and oceans as a result we receive the extinction of rare animal species and complication of the process of water purification. We should take measures before it is too late.

we will give up using coal and oil, which can give off very toxic wastes.

We should also remember about the air. The easiest ways to fight with the air pollution are planting the trees and destroying the reason of the pollution.It is easy to plant a tree and it does not need hard efforts. All that we need is to have the desire to improve the situation and to stop being lazy.

The Earth is the place where we live,it is our home and the task is to protect it and appreciate all it gives to us. If the humanity change nothing in a thousand of years our planet will not exist. We should start doing something and give a chance to next generations to live in a peaceful and beautiful home.


1. Он сказал, "Я умею играть в шахматы".

2. Роберт с Уедет ли Тим в следующую Пятницу?".

3. Полли сказала: "Она, должно быть, устала"

4. "Пошли в парк" - предложила Полли.

5. Дениз: "Не открывай дверь!".

6. Она сказала: "Им лучше уйти".

7. Даниэль задумался: "Будет ли завтра дождь?".

8. Мужчина с Когда отправляется поезд на Ливерпуль?".

9. Она с меня: "Может тебе Чарльз сказал мне: "Вчера у меня не было времени сделать домашнее задание".

11. Майкл сказал: "На этой неделе я собираюсь прочесть одну книгу".

12. Она сказала: "Я могу сделать это завтра".

13. "Где они?" - с я...

14. Джейми: "Не ешь так много нездоровой пищи!".

15. Он сказал: "Я должен подписать его".

16. Дженнифер с брата: "Где ты сегодня играешь в футбол?".

17. Я сказал: "Тебе надо сходить к доктору".

18. Хелен сказала: "Я вчера писала тебе письмо".

19. Учительница сказала своим ученикам: "Делайте домашнее задание!".

20. Эндрю сказал: "Мы недавно ели рыбу"

Объяснение: переводчик, и немного исправлений :)

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