1. Prince John asked Locksley why he was shooting and what his name is.
2. Teacher asked who had read "Ivanhoe" and by who it had been written.
3. One of the pupils asked the teacher of literature what novels should they read the next year.
4. The Frenchman asked if the river Volga is in Russia.
5. Ann asked girls if they were playing volleyball and said that she had not known that they liked it.
6. Peter said to us not to touch those photographs because they were still wet and we could spoil them.
7. Fred asked boys if their friend often come there, and said that he wanted to speak to him.
8. My friend asked me how I had managed to solve that difficult problem in a short time.
9. The teacher said to us that we would write a paper the next day.
10. Kate said to Nick that she had seen a new film the day before. Nick asked her if she liked it.
могут быть ошибки, если нашли, напишите в комментариях ❤️
1. The students were WROTE a composition (to write).
2. My grandmother lives in the house BUILT in1990 (build)
3. I have corrected all the mistakes TAKE by me in the last test paper.
4. On the first of May the streets of our city are always full of laugh,
sing and dance of people.
5. IF YOU KNOW English well we easily translate this difficult text.
1. Студенти ВИНИКНУвали композицію (писати).
2. Моя бабуся живе в будинку БУДІВНИЦЬ у 1990 році (будувати)
3. В останньому тестовому документі я виправив усі помилки, допущені мною.
4. Першого травня вулиці нашого міста завжди сповнені сміху,
співати і танцювати людей.
5. Якщо ви добре знаєте англійську, ми легко перекладаємо цей складний текст.
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Написать мини сочинение "почему я люблю путешествовать" , минимум 10 предложений..
why i love travelling
it is common knowledge that seeing new places and meeting new people elevates our minds and brings variety to our lives. i love travelling for a few more reasons.
first, travel awakes my curiosity. even the most basic thing on a trip becomes an adventure, like catching a bus or asking directions in a foreign language. second, while travelling i appreciate the beauty of a new land and culture. there's something magical about living in a new place, surrounded by unfamiliar sights, food and people. third, when i return home after a trip, i see my homeland in a whole new light. fourth, travelling means getting out of the everyday routine of things. it is also worth mentioning that as we explore new places we also learn something new about ourselves.
i think i will never get bored of travelling as long as i am fit and healthy.