my favorite book is"the extraordinary adventures ofcaricaandwali."this bookplungedme intothe wonderful world offairy tales turns out thatwecan be totally different,more interesting andtwistingthemselvesintoother worlds.not a fewworks have beenread byme, but this bookimpressed themost.veryexciting story, the writerintroduces us tochildren andordinaryprofessor.having startedreading this book, i donotmean to interrupt.iwas so engrossedthat i readthis amazing bookat night.andreading itagaincontradicted.the book "the extraordinary adventures ofcaricaandwali"introduced me tointeresting characters,an interestingworld.that wouldat leastbeonthe sameday, and wanderamong thesmallestinsects.but allthis fancymanwho is addicted toother people.perhaps, in time, i'll writeabook thatwill be of interestto others, andalsofor someone tobecome a favoritebook,anditwill be readrepeatedly.
1. did peter help the pupils to translate the text? , who did help the students to translate the text? , did peter or any helped the pupils to translate the text? , did peter help the pupils to translate the text, didn't he? 2. did mother ask mary to wash the plates? , who did mother ask to wash the plates? , did mother ask mary or john to wash the plates? , did mother ask mary to wash the plates, didn't she? 3.does my friend write a letter to his sister ? ,who does my friend write a letter to? , does my friend write a letter to his sister or to his brother? , does my friend write a letter to his sister doesn't he ? 4.did jane take3 books from the library? who did take3 books from the library? , did jane take 3 or 5 books from the library? , did jane take3 books from the library, didn't she? 5. do his cousins live in moscow? , who does live in moscow? , do his cousins or nephews live in moscow? do his cousins live in moscow, don't they? 6. will our grandfather and grandmother come tomorrow? , who will come tomorrow? , will our grandfather and grandmother come today or tomorrow ? will o ur grandfather and grandmother come tomorrow, won't they? 7.does mary work in a shop? where does mary work in? , does mary work in a shop or in a drug store? does mary work in a shop, doesn't she?
Present continuous в данный момент я работаю -i`m working now at the moment сейчас я лежу на диване и слушаю музыку -now i`m lying in the sofa and listening to music в данный момент я плаваю в бассейне -i`m swimming the pool at the moment я гуляю по парку -i`m walking on the park я бегу на автобус-i `m runing the bus present simple я люблю слушать радио-i like listening to radio мне нравится гулять вечером по парку- i like to walk in the evening on park я учусь в пятом классе - i study in the fifth grade в школе я изучаю язык-at the school i study german language я работаю инженером на заводе -i work as the engineer at the factory
my favorite book is"the extraordinary adventures ofcaricaandwali."this bookplungedme intothe wonderful world offairy tales turns out thatwecan be totally different,more interesting andtwistingthemselvesintoother worlds.not a fewworks have beenread byme, but this bookimpressed themost.veryexciting story, the writerintroduces us tochildren andordinaryprofessor.having startedreading this book, i donotmean to interrupt.iwas so engrossedthat i readthis amazing bookat night.andreading itagaincontradicted.the book "the extraordinary adventures ofcaricaandwali"introduced me tointeresting characters,an interestingworld.that wouldat leastbeonthe sameday, and wanderamong thesmallestinsects.but allthis fancymanwho is addicted toother people.perhaps, in time, i'll writeabook thatwill be of interestto others, andalsofor someone tobecome a favoritebook,anditwill be readrepeatedly.