
Вставьте пропущенные слова: myself, himself, itself, themselves, yourself, herself, ourselves my friend, jill, and i took ( to aquarium on sunday. jill and i saw many kinds of finish, a seahorse and even some penguins. i bought ( a stuffed penguin at the gift shop. then, jill took a picture of ( next to a giant octopus! an aquarium worker named jim introduced ( and answered the questions. we learned that octopi project ( from danger in many interesting ways. for example, an octopus can protect ( by changing colours to blend in with its surroundings. they are amazing animals! would you like to take ( to the aquarium?

Английский язык




1. ourselves

2. myself

3. herself

4. himself

5. themselves

6. itself

7. yourself


  1.            most police officers  regard  detective work as ''real'' police work. present simple active (простое настоящее, активный залог) большинство полицейских считают/рассматривают детективную деятельность,как ''реальную'' полицейскую работу.   2.          the police told him not to go   past simple active (простое прошедшее активный залог) anywhere until he is allowed to do it.present sipmle passive (простое настоящее пассивный залог)полиция сказала ему никуда не уезжать,  дотех пор, пока ему не разрешат.3.          technical specialists in investigation are normally located in present sipmle passive (простое настоящее пассивный залог) a separate administrative unit.технические специалисты при исследовании, как правило, расположены в отдельном административном блоке.4.          interpol was founded in 1923 as a service organization devoted  to coordination against international criminals. past simple   passive(простое прошедшее пассивный залог) интерпол был основан в 1923 году, как сервисная организация, посвященная координации действий в борьбе с международнымипреступниками.

We all know that there are areas like the Village and the City, But where is it better to live? The city is full of living conditions and even attractions and technologies, but dirty air and a bunch of factories. And in the village Clean air, Natural products, Everything is fresh But it is not so suitable for life as it is not very well provided. But now there is a choice: Which is better a village or a city. In my opinion, a good option would be: Until the summer to live in the city, study there, go to the attraction, And in the summer to go to my grandmother in the village.

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Вставьте пропущенные слова: myself, himself, itself, themselves, yourself, herself, ourselves my friend, jill, and i took ( to aquarium on sunday. jill and i saw many kinds of finish, a seahorse and even some penguins. i bought ( a stuffed penguin at the gift shop. then, jill took a picture of ( next to a giant octopus! an aquarium worker named jim introduced ( and answered the questions. we learned that octopi project ( from danger in many interesting ways. for example, an octopus can protect ( by changing colours to blend in with its surroundings. they are amazing animals! would you like to take ( to the aquarium?
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