
Перевести в past simple или present perfect. 1.я недавно написал статью. 2.он был в италии 4 года назад. 3.вчера она закончила картину. 4.он только , что звонил . 5.мы уже написали тест. 6.собор св.павла был построен в 1666-1701 г. 7.я уже почистил картошку к ужину. 8.мой брат переехал в вашингтон 2 месяца назад.

Английский язык



1. i have written an article recently.

2. he was in italy 4 years ago.3. yesterday she finished the picture.4. he has just called.5. we have already written the test.6. st. paul cathedral was built in 1666-1701.7. i have already peeled the potatoes for dinner.8. my brother moved to washington two months ago.


многие, ошибочно полагают, что правильное питание заключается только в выборе полезных продуктов — низкокалорийных, нежирных, богатых витаминами и минералами. однако, зачастую, мы забываем о том, что важно не только то, что мы готовим, но также и то, как мы готовим — к примеру, обжаренная в масле куриная грудка будет также вредна для фигуры и организма, как и кусок торта.

какие методы приготовления пищи самые безвредные и полезные для худеющих? именно об этом вам расскажет наша сегодняшняя статья.

неудивительно, что жарение диетологи и специалисты по питанию относят к вредным приготовления пищи — в основном из-за использования масла или животного жира, которые, между прочим, влияют не только на повышенную калорийность блюд —  «если масло подвергается термической обработке дольше 4 минут, то жиры переходят в формулу трансжиров, опасную для сердечно-сосудистой системы. регулярное использование таких «жареных» жиров приводит к раннему склеротированию сосудов, прежде всего головного мозга»,  — говорит римма мойсенко, врач-диетолог, руководитель центра эстетической медицины «риммарита».


many, mistakenly believe that the right food is only in the selection of healthy foods - low-calorie, low-fat, rich in vitamins and minerals. however, often we forget that it is important not only what we cook, but also how we cook - for example, the chicken breast fried in oil will also be harmful to the figure and body, as well as a piece of cake.

what methods of cooking are the most harmless and useful for losing weight? our today's article will tell you about this.

it is not surprising that frying nutritionists and nutritionists refer to harmful cooking methods - mainly because of the use of oil or animal fat, which, among other things, affects not only the increased calorie content of dishes - "if the oil is subjected to heat treatment for more than 4 minutes, then fats are transferred to the trans fat formula, which is dangerous for the cardiovascular system. regular use of such "fried" fats leads to early sclerotation of blood vessels, especially the brain, "says rimma moisenko, a nutritionist, head of the center for aesthetic medicine" rimmarita ".

Is it better to have few friends or many friends? this is my writing training. i'm trying to state my opinion about a topic above. i think having many friends is better than having few friends. this topic is often attracted much attention by my friends, and i often argue with them about it. we know this topic has no right answer and each side should have critical reasons to follow. this time i’d like to focus on good points to have many friends. firstly, you can share many opinions. in our lives, there are many issues to solve and you have to make decisions of them. for example, when you’d like to keep good relationship with a person, you should think carefully about anything concerning him. when you call him? what is he thinking? how can i make him happy? it is sure that you might be exhausted if you try to think about these things alone. in such a case, you might want to get many opinions to choose the best way. your friends will give you such opinions i think. if so, all you need is to think a bit and choose one opinion seems to be good. therefore, you can solve many problems of your life by following such a ways. second, you can fill your blank time with meeting your many friends. even if you are a hard worker, you would sometimes make free times accidentally. to use such rag times effectively, i recommend contacting your friends. chatting with them makes your mind relax. sometimes you can find hints for your work and life among their saying. playing sports with them keeps your physical health better. needless to say, good health strongly supports your happy life. nowadays, we can contact with people quite easily by using phones, e-mails, and other electronic communication applications such as facebook, twitter, and so on. thanks to these tools, quick plannings to doing anything together with friends are available for us. to find friends who also have rag times like you, having many friends is excellent. it is sure that having few friends also has many advantages comparable with that of the opposite opinion. but one thing i can say is taking deep care of your friends is very important in both cases. is it better to have few friends or many friends?   this is my writing trainingthis is okay too. i'll try  to state my opinions about the topic above.  is it better to have few friends or many friends?   i think having many friends is better than having few friends.  this topic is often attracted much attention by my friends, and i often argue with them about it.this topic is often  talked about  by my friends, and i often argue with them about it.  we know this topic has no right answer and each side should have critical reasons to follow.we know this topic has no right  or wrong  answer,  and each side should have critical reasons to  support itself.

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Перевести в past simple или present perfect. 1.я недавно написал статью. 2.он был в италии 4 года назад. 3.вчера она закончила картину. 4.он только , что звонил . 5.мы уже написали тест. 6.собор св.павла был построен в 1666-1701 г. 7.я уже почистил картошку к ужину. 8.мой брат переехал в вашингтон 2 месяца назад.
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