
Прочитайте текст. определите фактические ошибки в утверждениях 6–11, данных после текста. исправьте ошибки: зачеркните неверное слово и запишите правильный ответ (одно слово) в правой колонке таблицы. слово должно быть записано в той форме, в которой оно употреблено в тексте. a company in japan is selling a new drink. their new drink is a powerful mixture of powered ginseng root, a fungus from the skin of caterpillars and reptile’s blood. this strange drink, people say, is helping chinese women athletes to win gold medals at international athletics meetings. the japanese firm says that this mixture can do wonderful things for ordinary people too. mr. ma junwen is the trainer of the chinese women’s athletics team. he created the recipe for this peculiar cocktail of roots and fungus and blood especially for the team. his runners train in the mountains of central china. they run 30 or 40 kilometres every day. so they are all very strong runners. but they all drink ma’s cocktail every day too… and they are winning more medals nowadays than they did before. and mr. ma is trying to market his odd mixture through the company in japan. people in japan know about ma’s runners and they are rushing to buy a bottle of his amazing drink. so mr. ma is winning, too, not only runners. before he invented his drink, he was not a rich man, but now he is making a lot of money from the drink, and people in japan love it! example: japanese is selling a new device. a new drink 1 mr. ma is the trainer of the japanese women’s swimming team. 2 the japanese firm says that this mixture can do wonderful things for gymnasts too. 3 he created the recipe for this peculiar cocktail of roots and fungus and chemicals especially for the team. 4 and mr. ma is trying to advertise his odd mixture through the company in japan. 5 before he invented his drink, he was a rich

Английский язык


1. i tried (to bake) a cake, but i burnt it. 2. try (adding) some salt. it'll taste better. 3. oh no! i forgot (to go) to the market. 4. i'll never forget (shopping) at the floating market in thailand. 5. lets stop (to eat) here.this cafe looks nice. 6. olga stopped (eating) meat five years ago. 7. did you remember (to turn) the oven off? 8. i remember (meeting) boris at dina's party. 9. i'm sorry (to tell) you this, but this cake is awful. 10. ivan was sorry for (telling) her that she was an awful cook.
Диалог не по порядку..написала также, если это то. что нужно было. эн: мистэ вудин вуд лайк ту инвайт сам стьюдэнс энд тичез ов ёрс ту кам ту ландэн. эн: гуд монин, мистэ головин, зис из эн джонс спикин! айм зе сэкретари ов мистэ вудин, зе хэд тиче ов ист сквэ ландэн скул. эн: ай хэв сам ньюс фо ю, мистэ головин. мистэ головин: ньюс? уот кайнд ов ньюс? эн: гудбай, мистэ головин. м.головин: файн! хау мэни ов ауэ стьдэнс кэн кам ту ландэн? м.головин: о, хау найс! уот гуд ньюс. уэн даз хи уонт ас ту визит? эн: ин мач, дьюрин ё скул холидэйс. эн: уи'л сэнд ю эн инвитэйшн лэтэ уиз зоус дитэйлс. м.головин: о, хэллоу! м.головин: сэнк ю. гудбай. м.головин: зэт'c грэйт!

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Прочитайте текст. определите фактические ошибки в утверждениях 6–11, данных после текста. исправьте ошибки: зачеркните неверное слово и запишите правильный ответ (одно слово) в правой колонке таблицы. слово должно быть записано в той форме, в которой оно употреблено в тексте. a company in japan is selling a new drink. their new drink is a powerful mixture of powered ginseng root, a fungus from the skin of caterpillars and reptile’s blood. this strange drink, people say, is helping chinese women athletes to win gold medals at international athletics meetings. the japanese firm says that this mixture can do wonderful things for ordinary people too. mr. ma junwen is the trainer of the chinese women’s athletics team. he created the recipe for this peculiar cocktail of roots and fungus and blood especially for the team. his runners train in the mountains of central china. they run 30 or 40 kilometres every day. so they are all very strong runners. but they all drink ma’s cocktail every day too… and they are winning more medals nowadays than they did before. and mr. ma is trying to market his odd mixture through the company in japan. people in japan know about ma’s runners and they are rushing to buy a bottle of his amazing drink. so mr. ma is winning, too, not only runners. before he invented his drink, he was not a rich man, but now he is making a lot of money from the drink, and people in japan love it! example: japanese is selling a new device. a new drink 1 mr. ma is the trainer of the japanese women’s swimming team. 2 the japanese firm says that this mixture can do wonderful things for gymnasts too. 3 he created the recipe for this peculiar cocktail of roots and fungus and chemicals especially for the team. 4 and mr. ma is trying to advertise his odd mixture through the company in japan. 5 before he invented his drink, he was a rich
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