
Read the following film review and fill in the missing words. ‘pirates of the caribbean 2: dead man’s chest’, is a pirate adventure 1) johnnydepp, orlando bloom and keira knightley as the main characters. the film is 2) adventures of captain jack sparrow, played by johnny depp. we follow the captain and his friends as they go on a journey full of surprises. they travel all over the sea because they want to find treasure. they have many adventures on the way. at first, i thought it would be another bad pirate film, but i 3) wrong! the actors were all very talented and the film was very exciting! for me, johnny depp was the funniest actor 4) the film! i believe that johnny depp is 5) most talented actor working today.

Английский язык



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Снаружи и дул ветер. она смотрела телевизор, когда раздался звонок в дверь. “джеймс потерял свой ключ снова,” – подумала она, открыла дверь. вместо того, чтобы ее муж, хотя, дженис увидела молодую женщину, стоявшую там. она была одета в длинное белое платье под ее пальто, и она держала букет красивых цветов. “извините,” сказала молодая женщина сладко. “не возражаете, если я воспользуюсь вашим телефоном, чтобы вызвать такси? ” “о, да, конечно, - ответила дженис. “я позвоню для тебя сейчас.” она пошла к телефону, попросили местные службы такси, чтобы собрать молодую женщину, и вернулся к входной двери. молодая женщина не была там, но ее цветы лежали на коврике. дженис нигде ее не видел, поэтому она подобрала цветы, вошел внутрь и позвонил в службу такси еще раз, чтобы отменить вызов. она села на лестнице, молодой женщины загадочные исчезновения. там было что-то знакомое в женщине, но дженис не могла подумать, что это было. когда джеймс вернулся домой через полчаса, она все еще сидела на лестнице с цветами на коленях. "в чем дело? - спросил он. "ты выглядишь, как будто увидел привидение." "возможно, я," сказала она в шутку. она показала джеймс джеймс цветы, и рассказал ему о странной женщине. джеймс рассмеялся, а затем поднялся наверх, чтобы переодеться. как он шел мимо гостевой комнаты, он услышал звук тиканье часов. "это звучит как clok мои бабушки и дедушки были, когда я был ребенком," джеймс подумал: "но перестал работать двадцать лет назад-он пошел в комнату и включил свет. его бабушка и дедушка были нет в живых, но многие их вещи были все еще там. джеймс огляделся и увидел, что его бабушки и дедушки clok. это было тикать и показал правильное время.затем джеймс заметил старой фотографии рядом с часами. на ней была изображена молодая пара в день своей свадьбы, с “15-го апреля, 1940” написано на фотографии. джеймс взял картину и пошел вниз. “я знаю, кто эта молодая женщина была”, - мягко сказал он, показывая фото. дженис посмотрела на нее и ахнула в изумлении. невеста была одета в такое же платье, как молодая женщина, и цветы, которые она держала на фотографии были такими же, как те janise было. “моя бабушка умерла, прежде чем я встретил тебя, не так ли? ” джеймс сказал. “ну, это она на картинке – и сегодня 15-го апреля. это ей на годовщину свадьбы”.
Александрович Андреевна
Michael  jackson(1958-2009)michael joseph jackson, an american artist, author, singer, dancer, songwriter, philanthropist and entrepreneur. he is most successful artist in the history of pop music. michael jackson was the king of the pop scene. he has achieved incredible success in his musical career and endured an equally impressive fall. he became the idol of millions, a symbol of its time. there in the world sold more than 260 million of his albums, not including singles. he holds 15 grammy awards and hundreds of other prizes. 13 times he was listed in the guinness book of records.childhoodmichael jackson was born the seventh child in the family. his parents, joseph and katherine jackson lived in gary (indiana), where were born all of their nine children. from early childhood, michael jackson showed outstanding musical abilities. he made his stage debut in 1964 as part of the jackson 5, played music with his brothers. he had no childhood, in fact. when his peers were playing and learned their lessons, he went to clubs to singing and dancing. he was crazy tired and wanted to sleep all the time. michael jackson has often admitted that his father mercilessly beat him and brothers even at the rehearsals. psychologists are considered that such a childhood has generated a lot of complexes and problems in and made adulthood very difficult for jackson. all his life he tried to make up for lost childhood. what for he has built an amusement park “the neverland”. топик о майкле джексоне часть 2creative careerin 1970 michael jackson began to stand out from the brothers thanks to his dances. in 1973, he began a solo career by recording four albums. in 1978, jackson starred with diana ross in the film adaptation of the broadway musical «the wizard of oz». diana supported michael during this period and all his life he was grateful to her for it. at that time, michael has brought new in music television. his music videos are different from others. they are colorful, bright, unusual and expensive. each became a the same time, jackson showed the world another miracle — his moonwalk, which became a musician’s shtick for all his life. in 1982, came the album “thriller” and made a bombshell. the best-selling album in the world makes from michael jackson the superstar, whose image beginning to copy all over the world. michael jackson died on june 25, 2009. his death is a result of an overdose of drugs. in 2009, michael jackson was officially recognized as a legend and an icon of american music. he made significant contributions to the development of popular music, video, dance and fashion.

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Read the following film review and fill in the missing words. ‘pirates of the caribbean 2: dead man’s chest’, is a pirate adventure 1) johnnydepp, orlando bloom and keira knightley as the main characters. the film is 2) adventures of captain jack sparrow, played by johnny depp. we follow the captain and his friends as they go on a journey full of surprises. they travel all over the sea because they want to find treasure. they have many adventures on the way. at first, i thought it would be another bad pirate film, but i 3) wrong! the actors were all very talented and the film was very exciting! for me, johnny depp was the funniest actor 4) the film! i believe that johnny depp is 5) most talented actor working today.
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