
Как вы понимаете смысл этих слов: "кожны народ мае хаця б адзин генияльны твор, и гэты твор — мова."? ​

Белорусская мова



груша, гру-ша (націск на у)

[г] - зычны, звонки, цверды, парны                                        г 

[р] - зычны, звонки, цверды, зацвярдзелы, няпарны       р

[у] - галосын нацискны                                                              у

[ш] - зычны, глухи, мякки, свисцячы, парны                        ш

[а]- галосны ненацискны                                                          а

5 гукау                                                                                   5 литар    


In my family there is a wonderful person - this is my mom!
She helps me in everything: in the study, to my problems, and in difficulties.
It rejoices my victories!
My mother's name is Marina. She is very kind, cheerful.
My mom I owe everything in my life. In all the world there is nothing любимей and more expensive than my mother.
My mother always understand me. She is my best friend. She communicates with me on equal terms, as if I was already an adult. With my mother I can walk, talk, ask her about something, with my mother to read, to paint. The mother can entrust all their secrets. We have no secrets from each other.

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Как вы понимаете смысл этих слов: "кожны народ мае хаця б адзин генияльны твор, и гэты твор — мова."? ​
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