fashion today plays an important role in life of many people. new clothes and shoes, bags and belts, jewelry come every month. men and women are ready to spend a lot of money to look nice and beautiful. we are ready to spend last money to make fashionable hairstyle and cool manicure, to look nice in front of our friends and boyfriends. but is it really necessary?
well i think following fashion trends is a wasting of time and money. many companies all around the world produce nice stuff. we like to watch tv and buy magazines to follow fashion. we see all these nice clothes and shoes and we want to buy them. as soon as we get this fantastic thing another thing is coming. and it happens over and over again. we don’t even have a chance to enjoy this stuff. that’s why i think we waste time and money so.
but in internet or on tv you can see many young women who wear all these brand new things. they look so fashionable and fantastic. they spend thousand of dollars every month to follow fashion. and they look so much happy.
well i am sure the best thing is to find your own style and to follow it. first you have to think what kind of person you are. if you prefer casual style don’t buy a lot of elegant clothes. if you work in office you need to have few suits. the same thing is for shoes, jewelry and beauty things. in this case you will look nice and you will not spend a lot of money and time. of course you can buy some fashionable things sometime if it’s gonna make you happy. just think it’s so much better to invest money in self-education and knowledge. fashion changes very fast and sometime we are not able to follow it. so then it’s so much better to relax, enjoy the life you have and be thankful for things you have got.
на казахском
Сен болмасаң, не етер ем?
Мәңгілікке бақытсыз боп өтер ем,
Өмірден бұл өксуменен кетер ем.
Құс ұясыз,
Жыртқыш інсіз болмайды.
Отансыз жан өмірінде оңбайды.
Өзін-өзі қорлайды да, сорлайды.
Тірі адамға - сол қайғы!
Күн көреді,
Әкесіз де, анасыз,
Өмір сүрер.
Әйелсіз де, баласыз,
Ал Отансыз -
Нағыз сорлы панасыз?
Білесің бе,
На русском
* * *
Ты моё сердце не наказывай, постой,
Оно приемлет радость и конец любой,
Ведь сердце – это чувство, с чувством приходи,
А если нет его, меня не беспокой.
Объяснение:Я не знаю насколько они короткие для тебя,но надеюсь что вам.
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