
К картине Ильи Муромца сделать сочинение

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Илья Муромец - центральный герой киевского цикла былин: "Исцеление Ильи Муромца", "Илья Муромец и Соловей-разбойник", "Илья и Идолище поганое", "Илья и Калин-царь", "Три поездки Ильи Муромца". Илья Муромец - идеальный образ богатыря, самый любимый герой русских былин. Он наделен высокими моральными качествами, самоотверженной преданностью Родине. Это богатырь могучей силы, что дает ему уверенность и выдержку. Ему свойственно чувство собственного достоинства, которым он не поступится даже перед князем. Он защитник Русской земли, защитник вдов и сирот.

Именно Илья Муромец чаще других богатырей выступает как отважный и сознающий свой долг страж родной земли. Он чаще других стоит на заставе богатырской, чаще других вступает в бой с врагами, одерживая победу.

Образ заставы ярко отражает объединение сынов Руси для борьбы с врагом, тема же стольного Киева - народное представление о единой и непобедимой Киевской Руси

Dear Alex,

My name is Jill. I am from Russia. It is a large country. There are many cities, towns and farms in Russia. The capital of Russia is Moscow. I live in Novosibirsk. It’s a big city. The streets are wide and long in Novosibirsk.
In the streets you can see a lot of people, cars, big and tall houses.

Our country is beautiful! Come and see us!

Best wishes,

Jill Moris

Dear Alex,

My name is Ann. I am from Russia. It is a large country. There are many cities, towns and farms in Russia. The capital of Russia is Moscow. It’s a big city. The streets are wide and long in Moscow. In the streets you can see a lot of people, cars, big and tall houses.

I live in the country. In the country you can see green fields and hills, long rivers and nice green gardens with apple trees. There are a lot of cows, horses and sheep on the farms. The houses in the country are nice and small.

Our country is beautiful! Come and see us!

Best wishes,

Ann Serova
Dear Alex,
My name is Ann. I am from Russia. It is a large country. There are many cities, towns and farms in Russia. The capital of Russia is Moscow. I live in Novosibirsk. It’s a big city. The streets are wide and long in Novosibirsk.
In the streets you can see a lot of people, cars, big and tall houses.
Our country is beautiful! Come and see us!
Best wishes,
Ann Serova

Dear Alex,
My name is Ann. I am from Russia. It is a large country. There are many cities, towns and farms in Russia. The capital of Russia is Moscow. It’s a big city. The streets are wide and long in Moscow. In the streets you can see a lot of people, cars, big and tall houses.
I live in the country. In the country you can see green fields and hills, long rivers and nice green gardens with apple trees. There are a lot of cows, horses and sheep on the farms. The houses in the country are nice and small.
Our country is beautiful! Come and see us!
Best wishes,
Ann Serova

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