Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
с этой задачей, Сплав свинца с оловом имеет плотность 10, 0 г/см3. Известно, что масса свинца в сплаве больше массы олова на 500 г. Определите массу сплава. ответ дайте в кг, округлив до сотых. Плотность свинца 11, 3 г/см3, плотность олова 7, 3 г/см3.
1. Sally was 18 when she became one of the best young tennis players in the USA.
2. Literature - is one of Sally Ride’s favorite subjects.
3. Sally was engaged in learning astrophysics in college.
4. She was a specialist in astrophysics.
5. She learned to control military jets as part of her training in Houston.
6. Sally spent six day in space flying around the earth.
She was ranked number eighteen among the best young tennis players in the country when she was 18."-1 вопрос,получается ответ вместо пропуска 18
"She liked great literature too."-2 вопрос ответ literature
When she went to college, she studied astrophysics." - 3 вопрос,ответ "college"
She was a specialist in astrophysics." - ответ на 4 вопрос "astrophysics"
She studied at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. She learnedhow to fly military jets as part of her training."- ответ на 5 вопрос "military jets as part of her training"
Sally ride spent six days in space orbiting the earth"- значит ответ "six"