Sauran was also one of the most important centers of Muslim culture. Travelers talk about a large mosque that was once located in Sauran and a madrasah that stood nearby. Between them was a massive arch with a gate and a small neat cobblestone path. The atmosphere of the ancient city, its blissful air contributed to the spiritual development. "It was built in an open, flat steppe. It is extremely cheerful, light, with a soft, invigorating air that gives the mind joy and strength. All around the area grow and see all kinds of beautiful trees. The city itself is surrounded by a high wall, and around it a moat." , - the thinker Ruzbihan wrote about Sauran in the 16th century.
С каждым годом человек убивает ысе больше и больше природы. И никто не задумывается о ее будущем. Это никому не интересно. Я хочу сделать природу богаче, вернуть все ее исчезнувшие богатства, занесенные в красную книгу. Для этого нужно начать с самого малого, пусть даже незначительного. Надо хотя бы мусор за собой убирать после того как отдыхали в лесу. От этого тоже многое зависит. Например один маленький полиэтиленовый пакет может разлагаться более ста лет,а это несколько поколений человечества. Поэтому я хочу сказать всем, что нужно беречь природу. И нужно ее сохранить!
Sauran was also one of the most important centers of Muslim culture. Travelers talk about a large mosque that was once located in Sauran and a madrasah that stood nearby. Between them was a massive arch with a gate and a small neat cobblestone path. The atmosphere of the ancient city, its blissful air contributed to the spiritual development. "It was built in an open, flat steppe. It is extremely cheerful, light, with a soft, invigorating air that gives the mind joy and strength. All around the area grow and see all kinds of beautiful trees. The city itself is surrounded by a high wall, and around it a moat." , - the thinker Ruzbihan wrote about Sauran in the 16th century.