1. Hearing the voice of a comrade, I left the room to meet him. 2. Having read the book, boy returned it to the library. 3. I learned that the owner sold her only child. sneak into Canada. 4. Be careful when crossing the street. 5. Leaving things in the wardrobe, you get number. 6. Felt that Kerry was worried, Druet went backstage to cheer her up. 7. The boy having lost parents, he was placed in an orphanage. 8. Returning with guests from the hunt, Cyril Dubrovsky grabbed about him. 9. Pacing heavy He glanced out the window and stopped at the three. 10. "Hello, Mademoiselle Mescherskaya," she said in French, she does not look up from her knitting. 11. Words that I spoke about this in advance. 12. She someone is moaning. 13. He looked at a boy sitting on a chair in garden. 14. He quietly dozed off, sitting in a chair under a tree. 15. After kissing the children, she went to work. 16. Molly, ironing clothes in the living room, had already gone down to the kitchen. 17. Looking down, he saw his son with friends. 18. They are talking.
Если в прямоугольном треугольнике известен катет и биссектриса, проведенная к гипотенузе, то в одном из двух получившихся треугольников будут известны две стороны и угол между ними (90/2=45). Этого достаточно, чтобы однозначно найти все оставшиеся стороны и углы (используя теоремы синусов и косинусов). Зная свойство биссектрисы: "биссектриса делит третью сторону треугольника пропорциональные двум другим сторонам", можно используя его совместно с теоремой Пифагора однозначно определить все стороны и углы этого прямоугольного треугольника. А это означает, что все прямоугольные треугольники с одинаковым катетом и биссектрисой, проведенной к гипотенузе равны. Надеюсь несмотря на большое количество текста, объяснил понятно :)
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Знайдіть рівняння кола, яке е образом кола(х + 3)2+(y - 4)2 =11 при паралельному перенесенні на вектор b(-4;1
returned it to the library. 3. I learned that the owner sold her only child.
sneak into Canada. 4. Be careful when crossing the street. 5. Leaving things in the wardrobe, you get
number. 6. Felt that Kerry was worried, Druet went backstage to cheer her up. 7. The boy
having lost parents, he was placed in an orphanage. 8. Returning with guests from the hunt, Cyril
Dubrovsky grabbed about him. 9. Pacing heavy
He glanced out the window and stopped at the three.
10. "Hello, Mademoiselle Mescherskaya," she said in French, she does not look up from her knitting.
11. Words that I spoke about this in advance. 12. She
someone is moaning. 13. He looked at a boy sitting on a chair in
garden. 14. He quietly dozed off, sitting in a chair under a tree. 15. After kissing the children, she went to work.
16. Molly, ironing clothes in the living room, had already gone down to the kitchen. 17. Looking down, he saw his
son with friends. 18. They are talking.