Var a,b,c,d,a1,b1,c1,d1: real; begin a1: =0; b1: =0; c1: =0; d1: =0; read (a,b,c,d); if (a< 0) or (b< 0) or (c< 0) or (d< 0) then begin if (a< 0) then a1: =a; if (b< 0) then b1: =b; if (c< 0) then c1: =c; if (d< 0) then d1: =d; writeln ('сумма отрицательных = ',a1+b1+c1+d1); a1: =1; b1: =1; c1: =1; d1: =1; if (a< 0) then a1: =a; if (b< 0) then b1: =b; if (c< 0) then c1: =c; if (d< 0) then d1: =d; writeln ('произведение отрицательных = ',a1*b1*c1*d1); end else writeln ('все числа больше либо равны 0'); end.
Unit unit1; interface uses windows, messages, sysutils, variants, classes, graphics, controls, forms, dialogs, stdctrls; type tform1 = class(tform) button1: tbutton; edit1: tedit; edit2: tedit; label1: tlabel; procedure button1click(sender: tobject); private { private declarations } public { public declarations } end; var form1: tform1; implementation {$r *.dfm} procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); begin try label1.caption: =floattostr(strtofloat(edit1.text)/strtofloat(edit2.text)); except on e : ezerodivide do showmessage('деление на 0 запрещено : '); end; end; end.
Var i, j, k : integer; a : array [0..9,0..9] of char; procedure u(i,j: integer); var c : char; begin c: =a[i,j]; a[i,j]: =' '; if (c='w')and(a[i+1,j]='b') then u(i+1,j); if (c='b')and(a[i+1,j]='w') then u(i+1,j); if (c='w')and(a[i-1,j]='b') then u(i-1,j); if (c='b')and(a[i-1,j]='w') then u(i-1,j); if (c='w')and(a[i,j+1]='b') then u(i,j+1); if (c='b')and(a[i,j+1]='w') then u(i,j+1); if (c='w')and(a[i,j-1]='b') then u(i,j-1); if (c='b')and(a[i,j-1]='w') then u(i,j-1); end; begin assign(input,'input.txt'); reset(input); assign(output,'output.txt'); rewrite(output); for i: =1 to 8 do begin for j: =1 to 8 do read(a[i,j]); readln end; for i: =1 to 8 do begin a[0,i]: =' '; a[9,i]: =' '; a[i,0]: =' '; a[i,9]: =' ' end; k: =0; for i: =1 to 8 do for j: =1 to 8 do if a[i,j]< > ' ' then begin k: =k+1; u(i,j) end; write(k); close(output) end.
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