Var x,y: real; begin read(x,y); if x< 0 then x: =x*x else x: =sqrt(x); if y< 0 then y: =y*y else y: =sqrt(y); write(x,' ',y); end.
Var uniq: set of char; used: set of char; s: string; i: integer; done: boolean; c: char; begin uniq : = []; used : = []; readln(s); for i : = 1 to length(s) do if not (s[i] in used) then begin include(uniq, s[i]); include(used, s[i]); end else begin exclude(uniq, s[i]); end; done : = false; for c : = #0 to #255 do if (c in uniq) then begin done : = true; write(c); end; if not done then write('no'); writeln; end.
Var used: set of char; s1, s2: string; i: integer; done: boolean; c: char; function isletter(c: char): boolean; begin isletter : = ((c > = 'a') and (c < = 'z')) or ((c > = 'a') and (c < = 'z')); end; function uppercase(c: char): char; begin if (c > = 'a') and (c < = 'z') then uppercase : = chr(ord(c) - ord('a') + ord('a')) else uppercase : = c; end; begin used : = []; readln(s1); readln(s2); for i : = 1 to length(s1) do if (isletter(s1[i])) then include(used, uppercase(s1[i])); for i : = 1 to length(s2) do if (isletter(s2[i])) then include(used, uppercase(s2[i])); done : = false; for c : = 'a' to 'z' do if not (c in used) then begin done : = true; write(c); end; if not done then write(0); writeln; end.
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