
Какие существуют названия компьютерных словарей?




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Type   mass = array[1..10, 1..10] of real; var   a, b, c: mass;   n, m, i, j, n1, m1: integer; procedure matra(var a: mass); var   i, j: integer; begin   for i : = 1 to n do       for j : = 1 to m do       begin           writeln('a[', i, ',', j, ']: ');           readln(a[i, j])       end end; procedure matrb(var b: mass); var   i, j: integer; begin   for i : = 1 to n1 do       for j : = 1 to m1 do       begin           writeln('b[', i, ',', j, ']: ');           readln(b[i, j])       end end; procedure sum(a, b: mass; var c: mass); var   i, j: integer; begin   for i : = 1 to n do       for j : = 1 to m do           c[i, j] : = a[i, j] + b[i, j]; end; begin   writeln('введите n,m матрицы a');   readln(n, m);   matra(a);   writeln('введите n,m матрицы b');   readln(n1, m1);   matrb(b);   if (n1 < > n) and (m1 < > m) then       writeln('матрицы сложить нельзя')   else begin       sum(a, b, c);       writeln('a+b');       for i : = 1 to n do       begin           for j : = 1 to m do               write(c[i, j]: 1: 3, ' ');           writeln       end   end;   readln; end.
Проводим частотный анализ. a-16; b-26; c-40; d-26; e-57; f-32; g-24; h-130; i-62; j-27; k-65; l-28; m-3; n-15; o-59; p-89; q-1; r-24; s-2; t-72; u-14; v-86; w-47; x-35; y-2; z-2; h = e - самая частая буква языка. обратим внимание на слово v из одной буквы. скорее всего, v = a, есть артикль а. из 1 буквы есть еще местоимение i, но оно встречается намного реже. pwh = the; p = t, w = h; pwvp = that. tk = to; k = o ol = of; l = f дальше пойдет легче, я просто пишу список букв: e = r; j = c; t = s; x = l; i = i; b = m; f = u; n = v; o = n; c = d; d = g; r = y; a = w; y = x; z = j; u = p; q = q; s = z; g = b; m = k в итоге получаем такой текст: let's set the existence-of-god issue aside for a later volume, and just stipulate that in some way, self-replicating organisms came into existence on this planet and immediately began trying to get rid of each other, either by spamming their environments with rough copies of themselves, or by more direct means which hardly need to be belabored. most of them failed, and their genetic legacy was erased from the universe forever, but a few found some way to survive and to propagate. after about three billion years of this sometimes zany, frequently tedious fugue of carnality and carnage, godfrey waterhouse iv was born, in murdo, south dakota, to blanche, the wife of a congregational preacher named bunyan waterhouse. like every other creature on the face of the earth, godfrey was, by birthright, a stupendous badass, albeit in the somewhat narrow technical sense that he could trace his ancestry back up a long line of slightly less highly evolved stupendous badasses to that first self-replicating gizmo-which, given the number and variety of its descendants, might justifiably be described as the most stupendous badass of all time. everyone and everything that wasn't a stupendous badass was dead.

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