
ів хто до виконати ці завдання 10 і 11-12




29 апреля 1945 года акт о капитуляции группы армий подписал в Казерте её командующий генерал-полковник Г. Фитингоф-Шеель, условия капитуляции вступали в силу 2 мая в 12:00. Подписанию предшествовали тайные переговоры представителей США и Великобритании с представителями Германии. При подписании этого акта Германия переставала воевать и каждая из стран продолжала жить мирной жизнью. Германия же должна была выплатить семьям погибших некоторую сумму денег...



1)ә  2)в   3)а  4)б


Менің ойымша,алаш ардақтыларының армандаған өзекті мақсаттары ұлттық болмысты сақтау, тәуелсіз ел болу, туған тіліміздің мәртебесін жоғары көтеру. Себебі, олар еліміздің,халқымыздың әрқашан бақытты, тыныш елде өмір сүргенін қалады. Мысалы, олар біз үшін, еліміздің болашағы үшін күресті. Қорыта келсек, Алаш ардақтыларын құрметтейік.


Шығармашылық мұрасы:«Қобыланды» жыры, «Туркестанские ведомости» газеті және т.б.

Оның қазақ тарихындағы орны ерекше деп ойлаймын.

4-тапсырмаға білмеймін


Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00


Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00

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