The book "harry potter and the sorcerer's stone." its author - jk rowling. this book tells of a boy orphaned harry potter harry potter, who lives in the home of his aunt and did not know that he is a wizard. on that day, when he was 11 years old, he learns that enrolled in the school of witchcraft and wizardry. at school he made friends (gerliona granger, ron, and neville) and enemies. harry took in a quidditch team, although freshmen in it do not take. thanks to harry his team won the quidditch match. because of his curiosity, he got into the stories, he was nearly expelled from school. prof. mag gonagall gave him a broom, and professor dumbledore gave the mantle - the invisibility that belonged to his father, harry. in the end, harry learns about the mysterious death of their parents, together with their friends reveals the mystery of the philosophical stone and prevent the evil wizard to capture him. sometimes harry had difficulties in their studies. it is not easy to become a good wizards
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