
Ағамыз деген сөздің қайсысы етістік ескек ескен ағамыз Ескелдіайдыныңда ағамыз асау ертіс айдыныңда ағамыз ескелді ағамыз ​

Казахский язык



Ескен деген сөз етістік



Ескен.Қалғанында етістік жоқ

I do not even know what a normal family life is. I was adopted when I was six. My mom could not take care of me properly, as she has a mental illness that makes her a little crazy at times, and she also drinks quite a bit. I do not know what happened to my dad - I never knew him. So, I had to stay with foster parents or in the orphanage to give my mother some time for rehabilitation.
Although children's homes are good, they are not the best places to live. The roommates are always nice and friendly, but you are surrounded by strangers. I sometimes have to share a room, and if you do not get along with another girl, it's not very funny. Besides, I never know how long I'm going to be here, so I just have to store my makeup in the suitcase under the bed.
I had some good foster parents, but nothing else lasts long. If my mother is well, I am with her, but we only have a small apartment, and I feel that I am the one who controls her. I'm worried about whether the bills were paid and should make sure that we go shopping for food. Mom happens in the hospital for a long time, so I understand that she will not always be able to take care of me. Doreen, one of my foster moms, was a nurse, and she explained to me that Mom was not okay. It helped, because when I was little, I felt that my mom just did not want me. Now I know that it was because of her illness.
My life is good to some extent. I go to the same school, and I have good friends. Obviously, I feel a little jealous of them when I go to them for a cup of tea. They have a good place to live, a good family, but they really do not appreciate it - they complain about them all the time! My friend Michel wanted me to go and live with her, but it's not so easy. For a start, I could not just leave my mother. When she's healthy, I'll have to go with her.
It would be nice if I had a brother or a sister, then at least then I would have someone around all the time. I'm fed up with myself.
I think Michelle feels sorry for me that I live in different places all the time, but it's because because this is what I'm used to, it does not seem too bad. I still have my own mother, I have my friends, and I know all the personnel in the houses. It's not like I'm completely alone in the world.
When I leave school, I'm going to get a job and get a good apartment for my mother and live in it. Then I'll be able to hang my photos and get my makeup out, because I'll know for sure that I'm here for a long time ...
Ни Дмитрий1095

1. Алматы - еліміздің оңтүстік астанасы.

2. Алматы қаласы - республикалық маңызы бар қала.

3. Алматы - мәдениет пен ғылымның, қаржы мен іскерліктің орталығы саналады.

4. Төбесі көкке тірелген Алатауымен ерекшеленеді.

5. Алматы қаласы апорт алмасымен атақты.

6. Сонымен қатар Алматы қаласында аты әлемге әйгілі Медеу мұз айдыны мен Шымбұлақ тау шаңғы кешені бар.

7. Алматы қаласы 1997 жылға дейін еліміздің бас қаласы болды.

8. 2011 жылдың желтоқсан айында Алматы қаласында метро қолданысқа берілді.

9. 2011 жылы Алматы қаласында қысқы Азиада ойындары өткізілген болатын.

10. Алматы қаласында түрлі театр, мұражайлар, көркемсурет галереялары секілді мәдениет ошақтары бар.

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