
Определите массу соли и объём водорода, образующегося при взаимодействии алюминия и соляной кислоты, содержащей хлороводород количеством вещества 1, 5 моль




          1.5         x           x

2al + 6hcl = 2alcl3 + 3h2(газ)

            6             2         3

x=1.5*2/6 = 0.5 моль

m(alcl3) = 0.5 * (27+3*35.5) = 66.75 г


x=1.5*3/6=0.75 моль

v = vm * n

v(h2) = 0,75 * 22,4= 16,8 л



написать пересказ на 7-10 предложений, очень нужно .

Gandhi was born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in India on

2nd October, 1869 into a merchant family. When he was 19, Gandhi

broke with tradition and left India to study Law in London. Then, in

1891, he accepted a job at an Indian law firm in Durban, South Africa,

where he remained for twenty years. Gandhi was shocked by the

discrimination against Indian immigrants in South Africa and headed a

campaign for their civil rights. During this time, Gandhi developed his

principle of 'satyagraha' which means 'devotion truth' through non-

violent action. Gandhi was sent to prison many times for leading

peaceful campaigns of civil disobedience. Before he left the country,

though, the South African government made many of the changes he

had called for.

In 1914, Gandhi returned to a troubled India which was

occupied by the British Empire. Gandhi felt that India could never truly

be free as long as it remained under British rule. He wanted to work

towards Indian independence and create greater understanding

between all classes and religious faiths across the country. In 1919, he

joined the new Indian National Congress Party and launched a policy of

peaceful non-cooperation with the British, including a boycott of British

goods and institutions. One of Gandhi's most famous protests was

against the tax on salt imposed by the British authorities. He led

thousands of people on a 320 km 'march to the sea' to make their own

salt from seawater. Because of his various campaigns, Gandhi was

imprisoned four times: in 1922, 1930, 1933 and 1942.

Nevertheless, as a result of Gandhi's talks and negotiations

with the British government, India won independence in 1947.

However, there remained fierce tension between different religious

groups in the country. On 30th January 1948, Gandhi, then aged 78,

was assassinated. The assassin could not accept Gandhi's belief that all

faiths were of equal value. Gandhi was on his way to a prayer meeting

when he was shot three times in the chest.

Gandhi maintained his life-long belief in peace, non-violence

and that all people were created equally. His beliefs informed all areas of

his life; in meetings he always wore the simple clothes of an Indian

villager, while the politicians around him dressed in formal suits. He also

followed a vegetarian diet and lived a simple life. In India, he was called

'Mahatma' Gandhi which means 'great soul'. There, his birthday is

celebrated as an official holiday and also as an international day of non-

violence. Gandhi spoke to everybody, everywhere when he said, "Be the

change you want to see. " And indeed, his achievements remain an

inspiration to people all over the world; his life truly was his message.


Основным потребителем фенола какое-то время являлась медицина. Разбавленные водные растворы фенола (карболка 5%) применяли для дезинфекции помещений, белья. Являясь антисептиком, широко применялся в европейской и американской медицине в период Второй мировой войны, но из-за высокой токсичности в настоящее время использование сильно ограничено. В годы первой мировой войны фенол широко использовался для производства сильного взрывчатого вещества — пикриновой кислоты.

Развитие производства фенопластов в конце 19-го века, в первую очередь фенолформальдегидных смол, дало активный толчок развитию рынка фенола. В настоящее время можно выделить несколько основных направлений использования фенола. Один из них – производство лекарственных средств. Большинство этих лекарств — производные получаемой из фенола салициловой кислоты и самого распространенного жаропонижающего - ацетисалициловой кислоты (аспирина). Эфир салициловой кислоты и самого фенола тоже хорошо известен под названием салол. При лечении туберкулеза применяют парааминосалициловую кислоту (сокращенно ПАСК), при конденсации фенола с фталевым ангидридом получается фенолфталеин. Другое направление применения фенола – производство синтетических волокон: нейлона, капрона, но важнейшая область его применения – производство фенолформальдегидных смол.

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Определите массу соли и объём водорода, образующегося при взаимодействии алюминия и соляной кислоты, содержащей хлороводород количеством вещества 1, 5 моль
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