
Составьте 2 вопроса in the fifteenth century people knew only three continents: europe, asia and africa. they knew nothing about such a big continent as america. the man who was thought to be the discoverer of america was born in 1451 in italy. his name was christopher columbus. he probably worked as a weaver before going to sea. at that time the life of a sailor was full of adventure and danger, so columbus had many exciting experiences. once during a battle with a vessel off the coast of portugal, he had to leave his boat and swim to the shore a long distance away. he afterwards lived in portugal a number of years, and while there, he married the daughter of a sea captain. for some time he earned his living, partly by making sea voyages, and partly by drawing maps and selling them. knowing that the earth was round, he decided to reach india by sailing to the west. it was very difficult for him to organise his expedition as nobody wanted to help him. many years after, the spanish government gave him some money for his expedition. in 1492 he sailed with three small ships into the atlantic ocean. they had been sailing for more than two months. at last they saw land. when they landed they saw strange trees and flowers. men and women with olive coloured skins gathered around them and looked at them with great surprise. columbus was certain that the lands he discovered were part of india, and he called these islands the west indies. the people living there have been called indians since then, though they have nothing in common with the real indians — inhabitants of india.



What continents people knew in the fifteenth century?
Who was the discoverer of America?
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Проходя по улицам,можно видеть различные витрины. У каждого магазина своя витрина,которая обычно украшена. Витрины привлекают внимание,и люди,проходящие мимо них видят какие-то изделия,которые там представлены,и идут в этот магазин. Витрины как-бы приманивают людей,чтобы они зашли в магазин и что-то купили. На городских витринах можно увидеть что угодно: одежду,аксессуары,обувь,даже еду. Каждый магазин выставляет на витрину то,что он продает. 
Городские витрины все разнообразны,и красочны.
Проходя мимо них так и хочется заглянуть в магазины.
Встречается по всей Западной Европе вплоть до Азии в любого вида водоёмах со стоячей водой или слабым течением, где много мелких водяных насекомых, рыбёшек и лягушек. Как у всех живущих в воде видов, их туловище имеет вытянутую форму, позволяющую легко передвигаться в воде. Окраска — от тёмно-коричневой до чёрной, лапки — жёлтые с широкой оранжево-желтой окантовкой по всему туловищу и голове. Самцы мельче самок, и их можно отличить по гладким надкрыльям, называемым элитерами. И у самца, и у самки большие широкие плоские головы, сильные передние лапки и острые мощные мандибулы для разрезания добычи. Также плавунцы умеют хорошо летать, но проделывают это редко, в основном тогда, когда условия их жизни в прежнем водоёме становятся неблагоприятными и возникает необходимость перебраться в другой водоём.

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Составьте 2 вопроса in the fifteenth century people knew only three continents: europe, asia and africa. they knew nothing about such a big continent as america. the man who was thought to be the discoverer of america was born in 1451 in italy. his name was christopher columbus. he probably worked as a weaver before going to sea. at that time the life of a sailor was full of adventure and danger, so columbus had many exciting experiences. once during a battle with a vessel off the coast of portugal, he had to leave his boat and swim to the shore a long distance away. he afterwards lived in portugal a number of years, and while there, he married the daughter of a sea captain. for some time he earned his living, partly by making sea voyages, and partly by drawing maps and selling them. knowing that the earth was round, he decided to reach india by sailing to the west. it was very difficult for him to organise his expedition as nobody wanted to help him. many years after, the spanish government gave him some money for his expedition. in 1492 he sailed with three small ships into the atlantic ocean. they had been sailing for more than two months. at last they saw land. when they landed they saw strange trees and flowers. men and women with olive coloured skins gathered around them and looked at them with great surprise. columbus was certain that the lands he discovered were part of india, and he called these islands the west indies. the people living there have been called indians since then, though they have nothing in common with the real indians — inhabitants of india.
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