
Скакими экологическими проблемами связано дорожное строительство?



При строительстве дорог могут использовать часть леса и из-за этого портится экология
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FORMATION OF FERTILITYSoils in the preparation of crop rotation with the ExecutiveTion methods biologizatciiTo produce systems of crop rotation on the farm must make greater use of research data. Based on materials from land arable land should be divided into homogeneous in fertility and the steepness of the slopes arrays. The most fertile lands (not been wiped out and the slightly with slopes up to 3 °) take for intensive use; arable land with an average level of fertility (low and srednesmytye with slopes of 3-5 °) - for moderate use and land with low fertility (medium and silnosmytaya arable land with a slope of more than 5 °) - limited use.On the intensive use of arable land (0-3 °) can be cultivated all cultures and have a field of pure steam.Plowing moderate use (3-5 °) is recommended to cultivate winter wheat and rye, barley, oats, peas, vetch, millet, buckwheat, sunflower and corn silage (limited, with band placement), corn for green fodder (solid seeding) , clover, sainfoin, alfalfa, perennial grasses, winter rye for green fodder, rape (winter and spring), vetch-oat and pea-oat mixture, Sudan grass and others.Plowing limited use (> 5 °) it is advisable to cultivate the following crops: winter crops (wheat, rye), barley, oats, alfalfa yellow, clover, sainfoin sandy, grassy perennial grasses, Sudan grass, and others. The most valuable arable land, not subject to erosion watershed (slope up to 1-20).This arable land should concentrate intensive cultivation of row crops and, especially, sugar beet. Saturation of cultivated crops and fallow must not exceed 50%.Certain difficulties arise when designingsystem of crop rotation on soils with the presence of salt licks. Agricultural use of alkaline complexes depends primarily on the interest in these salt licks. In the presence of salt licks to 70% complex is used as the entire land area. Their improved by chemical amelioration(Gypsum + manure), forest-steppe zone of the region it is possible with the help of earthing (applying a layer of chernozem soil 20-25 cm).Complexes with 10-30% salt licks should be used in arable land under more solontseustoychivymi crops (clover, alfalfa yellow, oats, barley, Sudan grass, sorghum, mustard, sugar beet, sunflower). In the presence of 30-50% salt lickscarried out continuous reclamation chemicalsor reclamation process followed by the introduction of fodder crop rotations.Heavy on the particle size distribution (clay)soils are more favorable for the cultivation of sugar on thembeet, wheat, barley, sunflower, peas and othercultures.Potatoes, rye, oats satisfactorilytolerate acidic soils; sunflower, sugar, fodder andbeet, wheat grow best in soils with neutral pH.On sloping lands must enter a systemcrop rotation, in which the maximum utilization of resources of soil fertility could be coupled with the achievementthe maximum effect of the anti-erosion actions culturetour. This can be achieved through the use of adaptive capacity of crops in relation to the specific soil conditions of erosion of soil and its agrochemical and agrophysical properties, hydrothermal and other conditions. Soil-protective ability of plants depends on the degree of their development and productivity. All activities aimed at increasing productivity, coupled with increased erosion control effectiveness.
Производная сложной функции
у'=х*е^3х+х² = (e^3x)+x*(3*e^3x)+2x
 lim_x_-_>_3(3х-4) = lim (x-->3) [3*3-4]=lim (x-->3) [5] = 5
Производные высших порядков
у'=х*In x=lnx+1
Неопределенный интеграл
=(1/x)^9 / 9
Площадь криволинейной трапеции,ограниченной параболой у=х², осью абсцисс и прямыми: х=1; х=3
Посчитаете сами, тут через определенный интеграл. Рисунок вложил

Найдите интервалы монотонности функции
y'=2х³ + 3х² - 12х + 5 = 6x^2+6x-12

6x^2+6x-12=0 /6
график монотонности прикреплен

Найдите пределы: 1) > _3(3х-4) найдите производную сложной функции: 1)у=х*е^3х+х² найдите произво
Найдите пределы: 1) > _3(3х-4) найдите производную сложной функции: 1)у=х*е^3х+х² найдите произво

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