
T that takes place The Highland Gamesmonth? year?annualyour country. Whatdays?De about? What areres doing? Listen, mok the sentences, 't say. Then label them to your partner.e an annual event.gC Doesn't saycer.ngC Doesn't sayvear funny hats.ngC Doesn't sayMany highland games take place all overScotland every year. The most famousmeeting is in Braemar, a smallvillage in the ScottishHighlands. The games arealways on the firstSaturday in September.Many athletes travel toScotland each year to takepart in the games. Theycompete in events like thehammer throw, shot put and the hill. run. There are also music anddancing competitions.Marching bands performfor the crowds. Theywear traditional clothingand play the bagpipes.The most popular eventof the day is the 'tug ofwar'. Two teams hold onto arope and try to pull the other team over theline. 'Tossing the caber' is alsopopular. The athletes have torun holding a heavy treetrunk, the caber, upright.Then, they stop andthrow it towards the sky.Tickets always sell outmonths before the gamesstart. It's a great day out forall the familyavy.ngC Doesn't C Doesn't sayAs in bold. .and do in Braemar on thetember? Make notes andute radio commentary for5. Present it to the class.oster)hink of an event thatyear in your school. Makeon your school website.5LO​




При рождении человек приобретает права и свободы, которые неотчуждаемы, то есть никто не может лишить человека этих прав. Конечно же, главным из них является право на жизнь. В главном законе нашей страны, Конституции, сказано: «Государство гарантирует равенство прав и свобод человека и гражданина независимо от пола, расы, национальности, языка происхождения, имущественного и должностного положения, места жительства, отношения к религии, убеждений, принадлежности к общественным объединениям, а также других обстоятельств». Право регулирует отношения и поведение людей, каждый человек имеет равные права, и с этой стороны в обществе создаётся баланс «чёрного и белого», ведь осуществления прав и свобод одного человека не может нарушать права и свободы другого человека.К сожалению, в современном мире не каждый человек может сказать: «Я полностью реализую свои права». Чаще можно услышать фразу: «Мои права нарушены» или «Я должен обратиться за защитой своих прав».

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T that takes place The Highland Gamesmonth? year?annualyour country. Whatdays?De about? What areres doing? Listen, mok the sentences, 't say. Then label them to your partner.e an annual event.gC Doesn't saycer.ngC Doesn't sayvear funny hats.ngC Doesn't sayMany highland games take place all overScotland every year. The most famousmeeting is in Braemar, a smallvillage in the ScottishHighlands. The games arealways on the firstSaturday in September.Many athletes travel toScotland each year to takepart in the games. Theycompete in events like thehammer throw, shot put and the hill. run. There are also music anddancing competitions.Marching bands performfor the crowds. Theywear traditional clothingand play the bagpipes.The most popular eventof the day is the 'tug ofwar'. Two teams hold onto arope and try to pull the other team over theline. 'Tossing the caber' is alsopopular. The athletes have torun holding a heavy treetrunk, the caber, upright.Then, they stop andthrow it towards the sky.Tickets always sell outmonths before the gamesstart. It's a great day out forall the familyavy.ngC Doesn't C Doesn't sayAs in bold. .and do in Braemar on thetember? Make notes andute radio commentary for5. Present it to the class.oster)hink of an event thatyear in your school. Makeon your school website.5LO​
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