
1. что ты знаешь о воде? какое значение она имеет в жизни растений, животных и людей? запиши свои идеи.

Окружающий мир


Вода по другому называется- H2O.(ашдвао)
Если на земле не будет воды, то животные и люди умрут от жажды, растения засохнут.
Вода - самый главный элемент всего живого на планете. Без нее ничего на нашей планете не могло бы соществовать и процветать. Через воду в растения и животные организмы попадают жизненно необходимые микро элементы. 
Я не мастер такого "рассуждения" но как-то так

Перья водоплавающих птиц не смачиваются водой потому, что у них есть такие железы, которые вырабатывают маслянистую, жирную смазку. Эти птицы клювом тщательно наносят на каждое перо, и перья не намокают в воде.

А) это чёрная маслянистая жидкость наверное нефть. В морях часто при добычи нефти происходит слив в море из-за чего некоторые птицы покрываются нефтью.

Б) птицам и рыбам нефть несёт огромный вред, ведь от неё они умирают.

В) первый пример это спуск грязных веществ от фабрик. Второй пример это утечка нефти.


Russian name – the Crocodile or the spectacled CaimanLatin name-Caiman crocodilusEnglish name – Spectacled caimanClass-Reptiles or Reptiles (Reptilia)Squad-Crocodiles (Crocodylia)The Family Of The Alligators (Alligatoridae)Rod – Spectacled Cayman (Caiman)Stands out 3-4 subspecies, differing in color, size and shape of the skull.
Conservation status
By international status it belongs to the category of species whose existence in nature causes the least concern. However, the species is Included in Annex II of CITES, i.e. the crocodile Cayman trade must be controlled. The number of different subspecies varies from country to country. Crocodile Caiman is protected in Ecuador, Mexico and Venezuela, hunting for it is limited in Colombia and Panama.
View and person
Like most crocodiles, the crocodile Caiman is extracted for the famous "crocodile skin". However, because of the abdominal scutes (osteoderms) for the manufacture of good leather only on the sides of the animal, and saved Caiman crocodile from extinction. Intensive hunting for these caimans began after the 1950s, when other species of crocodiles were almost destroyed. Now crocodile Cayman successfully bred on farms. Currently, the natural population of crocodile Cayman is quite stable due to the high adaptability of the species, extermination of other crocodiles (enemies and competitors) and increase the area of artificial reservoirs.
Distribution and habitats
The area of the crocodile Caiman is much wider than that of all other members of the alligator family. It is Central and South America from Mexico to Brazil and Peru.  There are introduced (imported) populations of crocodile Cayman in Cuba and the United States (Florida).This Caiman prefers quiet lakes, marshes, the banks of the tributaries of large rivers with slow flow. Does not avoid salty waters, which gave him the opportunity to settle on the Islands of the Caribbean, including the Islands of Trinidad and Tobago.
Crocodile Caiman-medium-sized alligator, with a fairly long narrowed muzzle and large teeth (they can be from 72 to 78 ). Length males are 1.8-2 m, females to 1.2-1.4 m. Maximum recorded size is 2.2 m. the body Weight of adult individuals varies from 7 to 40 kg. Skull similar in appearance to the skull of these crocodiles, what Cayman got its name. Bone protuberances on the head between the eyes and around them remind glasses that gave the second name of this Caiman. Almost all skin on a body of the crocodile Caiman is covered with dense rows of large boards. This "armor" protects the caimans and from predators and from man. Because this leather is very difficult to fabricate, crocodile caimans destroyed less than other crocodiles.Young spectacled Caiman are yellow with black spots and stripes all over the body, adult – olive green.  They are able to slightly change color with the help of special cells in the skin, for example, in cold weather, the Cayman become darker.

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1. что ты знаешь о воде? какое значение она имеет в жизни растений, животных и людей? запиши свои идеи.
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