
Проверочное слово к слову призязал чтоб при было ударным

Русский язык


Привязал-в яз,прив язанный,прив язка
Привязками - пров.слово
Вязыке немало слов, заимствованных из других языков. к ним относится слово   ватерпас, перешедшее из голландского языка во времена петра первого.   великий император в россию прибор, с которого определяли абсолютно горизонтальную плоскость, поверхность при строительстве судов. плотники с урала,   которых приставили к корабельному  делу, усовершенствовали прибор и для простоты в обиходе назвали его по-простому – уровень. так дор сих пор и существуют в языке эти два синонима: ветерпас – уровень. в научной , в технической документации используется слово ветерпас. в разговорной и строительно-профессиональной лексике употребляют слово уровень, более благозвучное для человека.
Avery long nose. it grows and grows, he is huge and likes fun. it's (an elephant) - слон the animal that has a long trunk is (an elephant) - слон green and long with many teeth. beautiful smile - it's (a crocodile) - крокодил as red as fire, with a fuzzy tale. he likes long walls it's (fox)  - лиса the animal that has a red bushy tail is (a fox) - лиса he is not a tailor, but carries needles with him. (a hedgehog) - еж a lot of spots, a long, long neck a funny scarf. it's a (giraffe) - жираф it's grey, but it's not a wolf, long-eared, but not a horse, with hools, but not a horse. what is it? (an ass, a donkey) - осел the animal who can go without food and water for a long time is (a camel) - верблюд what has a cat which no other animal has? (a kittens) - котята what animal sleeps all the winter with its head hanging down? (a bat) - летучая мышь the animal that is very timid and is afraid of everything is (a hare) - заяц the animal that sleep all winter in a den is (a bear) - медведь the animal that has a beautiful year skin with black stripes is (a tiger) - тигр the animal that has a pouch in which she xarries her babies is (a kangaroo) - кенгуру the animal that has long hair around its neck is   (a lion) - лев the animal that has a horn on its nose is (a rhinoceros) - бегемот the animal that has a beautiful white skin with black stripes is (a zebra) - зебра the animal that can hang by its long tail is (a monkey) - обезьяна not a horseman, but wears spurs. not a watchman, but wakes people up. what is it? (a cock) - петух a little fellow dresses in grey, hops here and there and never goes away. (a sparrow) - воробей it sleeps in the day-time, it flies at night and frighens passers-by. (an owl) - сова there hangs a sieve, made by no man's hands. (a web) - паутина

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