
We live in the centre of town. -she prefers a residential area. -his parents bought a terraced house 5 years ago. -there is a bedroom , a childrens room , a sitting-room , a kitchen and a bsthroom in our house. -think its a living room . its very pleasent there. -my aunt has a small garden at the back of her house . she likes gardenning

Английский язык



- мы живем в центре города.

- она предпочитает жилой район.

- его родители купили дом ленточной застройки (т.е. стоящий в ряд с другими) 5 лет назад.

- в нашем доме есть спальня, детская комната, гостиная, кухня и ванная комната.

- представь, что это гостиная. там приятно.

- у моей тети есть маленький сад сзади ее дома. ей нравится садоводство.


"what have you done? " the headmaster yelled. all eyes turned to me as he stood over the lifeless body on the playground.

i didn't think this was gonna happen. harvey, the guy who now lay lifeless at my feet, looked at me with glass eyes. we were never friends with him, on the contrary, more quietly feuding. he bullied me every time he had the chance. and yesterday after physical education he hid all my clothes and i had to sit three hours near the principal's office almost without clothes while by there passed all other pupils of our school. my father is a hunter and this morning, before i went to school, i stole one of his best knives. i don't know why. when the lunch began, i couldn't find my father's knife in my briefcase for a long time, and was terribly frightened. turns out harvey pulled it out of my briefcase and now he's teasing me again. i hated him at that moment. i don't know how it happened, i woke up holding a knife, harvey was staring at me silently, and blood was dripping from his mouth.  

i didn't mean to kill


1) my sister's room

2) her friends' opinion

3) the commander-in-chief's order

4) passer's-by advice

5) lermontov's poems;

6) the room's walls

7) the boy peter's bag;

8) my younger sister's daughter

9) the country's flag

10) the sea's waves

11) the girls' pens

12)the women's rights

13) the people's wisher

14) my mother's-in-law birthday

15) the party's members

16) her relatives' sisters

17) this postman's letter

these pupils' pencils

19)those books' pages

20) this house's floor

21) my mother's opinion-in-law;

this old man's advice

my younger sister's daughter

25) the institute's library

26) this writer's story

27) my friends' letters

28) my parents' house

29) these students' meeting

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

We live in the centre of town. -she prefers a residential area. -his parents bought a terraced house 5 years ago. -there is a bedroom , a childrens room , a sitting-room , a kitchen and a bsthroom in our house. -think its a living room . its very pleasent there. -my aunt has a small garden at the back of her house . she likes gardenning
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