
Перевести, только никак в переводчике, где предложения некоторые не связанные по смыслу и грамматически. а чтоб был понятный текст. буду . 10 july was a very special day. in fact, it was jack petersons birthday. on that day everybody tried to do something nice for him. mum and dad always gavehim a lot of presents and took him a lot of presents and took him to interesting places. two years ago they went on an excursion to mars. last year they went to the galaxy zoo. they saw interesting animals there: bats, rabbits, hens and the most exciting thing: a real dog! yes, all jack`s birthday were great, but this year – 2170 – his grandfather promised him the best present. «on your birthday, »granddad said, «we`ll go camping! » «camping? » jack didn`t know this word, so he wasn`t really interested, but suddenly he heard him mum`s voice. «camping! » she cried. «what are you talking about? » «you can`t put the life of my child in danger! » «it`ll be ok, kate, » grandfather sighed. «we`ll wear our masks and we`ll take a lot of extra oxygen with us.» «and you won`t touch anything! doyou promise, dad? » jack`s mum shouted. «of course i promise, » granddad answered. after this conversation jack really wanted to go camping. «camping is dangerous – it`s a real adventure, » he thought. on the morning of 10 july dranddad woke jack up very early. they put their masks on and went outside. it was dark. jack knew about the sun, but he never saw it. they went to the forest. there were sixtrees and a little river. grandfather found a stick and started digging a hole in the ground. he looked sad. «what are we going to do? » jack asked.

Английский язык




10 июля был особенным днем. правда, это был день рождения джека петерсона. в тот день каждый пытался сделать что-нибудь приятное для него. мама и папа всегда давали ему много подарков, брали ему много подарков и брали его в интересные места. два года назад они были на экскурсии на марсе. в прошлом году они ездили в зоопарк галактика. они видели там интересных животных: летучих мышей, кроликов, кур и самую волнующую вещь: настоящую собаку.

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Mobile phones have changed people is lives. they give us an to stay in touch and to be reachable everywhere. if you are going to be late. you can just call you relatives, friends or a m.p. has becone a vital part of our daile lives ans it is difficult to imagine how people lived without m.p. in the past.   m.p. is very useful device. thanks to it. i can access people i need to speak and i can never miss anything important. if i need some help i can call my friends. if i am late, i can send sms with my                       вообщем чем могу, может это не совсем по теме,но что есть))
Джамалутдинова Докучаев
  особенности профессии штукатуруникальность и перспективность профессии

специалисты данной профессии могут работать не только в строительных компаниях. они нужны организациям, владеющих большими площадями помещений, которые требуют регулярного ремонта и перестройки. некоторые штукатуры предпочитают не наниматься на работу в определенную фирму, а ищут заказы самостоятельно. люди, владеющие этой специальностью, должны обладать выносливостью, крепким здоровьем, отсутствием аллергии.строитель – это специальность по строительству. строитель – одна из самых древних профессий. появилась она много лет назад, когда люди выйдя из пещер, стали возводить себе жильё. построенные, еще в древности, дворцы, храмы, замки, башни, мосты, продолжают радовать своим архитектурным великолепием и сейчас по всему свету.  любая стройка, это дела для целого коллектива строителей, где каждый человек имеет свою специализацию и выполняет определённую работу. чтобы построить дом, нужны люди разных профессий, которых объединяет одна цель и , строительство современного, благоуст- роенного красивого и надежного дома. основные профессии людей, принимающих участие в строительстве наших школ: проектировщик, архитэто продавец.прилавок, весы, касса, продукты, одежда.ектор, тракторист, бульдозерист, экскаваторщик, шофер, каменщик, бетонщик, монтажник, кровельщик, крановщик, плотник, столяр, штукатур, моляр, электрик, сантехник, сварщик, инженер-строитель.    продавец работает в магазине (супермаркете, универсаме и т. д.) . он продает продукты, одежду, мебель и т. д. для работы ему нужны  particular profession stucturalist and promising profession the specialists of this profession can work not only in the construction companies. they need organizations that own large areas of the premises that require regular repair and rebuilding. some plasterers prefer not to accept a job in a certain company, and are looking for the orders themselves. people who own this profession must possess the physical stamina, good health, no allergies.the builder is a specialty construction. the builder is one of the oldest professions. it appeared many years ago, when people came out of the caves, began to build their own shelter. built in ancient times, palaces, temples, castles, towers, bridges, continue to please its architectural splendor and now around the world. any construction site, it works for the whole team builders, where each person has its own specialization and performs some work. to build a house, we need people of different professions, united by one goal and task, the construction of a modern, improving - voennogo beautiful and safe houses. the main profession of the people involved in the construction of our schools: the designer, architetto sold.the counter, scales, cash, food and clothing.the sector, tractor, bulldozer, excavator, driver, mason, concrete worker, fitter, tiler, crane operator, carpenter, joiner, plasterer, molar, electrician, plumber, welder, engineer. the seller works in a shop (supermarket, the supermarket, and so on) . he sells food, clothing, furniture, etc. to work it needs

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Перевести, только никак в переводчике, где предложения некоторые не связанные по смыслу и грамматически. а чтоб был понятный текст. буду . 10 july was a very special day. in fact, it was jack petersons birthday. on that day everybody tried to do something nice for him. mum and dad always gavehim a lot of presents and took him a lot of presents and took him to interesting places. two years ago they went on an excursion to mars. last year they went to the galaxy zoo. they saw interesting animals there: bats, rabbits, hens and the most exciting thing: a real dog! yes, all jack`s birthday were great, but this year – 2170 – his grandfather promised him the best present. «on your birthday, »granddad said, «we`ll go camping! » «camping? » jack didn`t know this word, so he wasn`t really interested, but suddenly he heard him mum`s voice. «camping! » she cried. «what are you talking about? » «you can`t put the life of my child in danger! » «it`ll be ok, kate, » grandfather sighed. «we`ll wear our masks and we`ll take a lot of extra oxygen with us.» «and you won`t touch anything! doyou promise, dad? » jack`s mum shouted. «of course i promise, » granddad answered. after this conversation jack really wanted to go camping. «camping is dangerous – it`s a real adventure, » he thought. on the morning of 10 july dranddad woke jack up very early. they put their masks on and went outside. it was dark. jack knew about the sun, but he never saw it. they went to the forest. there were sixtrees and a little river. grandfather found a stick and started digging a hole in the ground. he looked sad. «what are we going to do? » jack asked.
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