often talk about autumn: the artist-autumn. just a few days autumn: "repaint" the landscape. previously, the wood was green, but autumn came and changed the green into many colors and shades. each type of wood painted in a different color. some of the trees are lemon-yellow, and some - orange. there are those who are painted in thick dark yellow color, it is called ocher. there are also shades of red: scarlet, crimson, dark red. all brown tones is also present in the palette of autumn artist. there is also a shade called golden. only evergreen trees remain as they were.and autumn colors the sky. in early autumn, it is often bright azure. on it are floating white light clouds. gradually blue mixed with gray, and the clouds become heavy, dark, turning into dark gray clouds. increasingly, pouring endless gray rain. bright, cheerful colors are replaced by the gloomy, boring. winter is coming.fall colors not only the leaves on the trees, but the fruit. autumn color - the color of ripe apples. and apples may also be different from green to red. the dark blue and pale green plums, ripe purple grapes, bright orange pumpkins - is also colors of autumn.
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Установіть відповідність між безсполучниковими складними реченнями 1. одночасність подій; 2. часова послідовність; 3. протиставлення явищ; 4. причинові; a) плакала чорна троянда, біла троянда сміялась (н. хоменко б) заходило сонце, у вузесеньких хутірських вуличках стояла червона курява, в садках варилася на триніжках вечеря (г. тютюнник). b) повіяв вітер по долині – пішла дібровою луна (т. шевченко). г) вбігаю в ліс – гриби (о. довженко). д) сонце зайшло, степові озера стали на якийсь час темно-червоними (о. гончар).