The towel on the wall… It’s our ancient custom. There was not a single Ukrainian house , which would not be decorates with towels. A house without a towel was compared with a family without children. A towel symbolized not only aesthetic taste , it was a face of a house and of a hostess. The towels proved that the hostess was tidy and hard-working.
A newly-born child was handed with the towel, guests were met with bread and salt on the towel. A son , a husband, a father were seen off with the towel. While getting married the newly-formed family was standing on a towel too. Bread and salt on an embroidered towel were a symbol of hospitality of the Ukrainian people. To take the towel , to kiss bread symbolized unity, peace, love , understanding among people. This custom has a good tradition in our country.
Towel were used in different ceremonies and in everyday life as well: for wiping a face and hands, for drying dishes, for decorating the houses, for presenting dear people. The ornaments and colours of towels were different in different regions. A lot of songs about the embroidered towel have been created in Ukraine. Объяснение:
Влад Андреевич Бумага (он же Влад А4) — популярный белорусский видеоблоггер.
Родился в 1996 году в Минске, где и живёт поныне.
Рос Влад все это время с мамой.[2]
До 16 лет занимался хоккеем. Был напающим клуба «Динамо», но из-за травмировать ноги покинул спорт.[3]
В апреле 2020 года стал наминантом в Forbes как «30 самых перспективных россиян до 30 лет по версии Forbes».[4][5]
Бумага — реальная фамилия Владислава.
[править]Личная жизнь
С 2017 года состоит в отношениях с белорусской видеоблоггершой Юлей Годуновой.[6]
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