
Переделать в косвенную речь аesop, a greek philosopher, was famous for his jokes. one day aesop was out for a walk when he saw a man. the man was lost. the man greeted aesop and asked him, "how long will it take me to get to the town? " "go, " said aesop. the traveller did not understand the reply. "i know that i have to go, " he said and repeated his question, but aesop is reply was the same. "go, " he said again very politely. the traveller went away. "the man is mad, " he decided. after the traveller had gone some distance, aesop shouted after him, "you will get to the town in two hours." the traveller came back to aesop and asked: "why did not you tell me that before? " "i did not tell you because i did not know how fast you could walk, " aesop replied.

Английский язык


Аesop, a greek philosopher, was famous for his jokes. one day aesop was out for a walk when he saw a man. the man was lost. the man greeted aesop and asked him, how long would it take him to get to the town. aesop asked him to go. the traveller did not understand the reply. he said he knew that he had to go and repeated his question, but aesop is reply was same. he said him to go.the traveller went away. he decided that the man was mad. after the traveller had gone some distance, aesop shouted after him he would get to the town in two hours.the traveller came back to aesop and asked why he hadn't tell him that before. aesop replied that he hadn't told him because he hadn't known how fast heyou could walk.
Основная цель обязательного образования для всех детей в школах, но   не единственная реформы образования. изменения содержания, учебных программ и методов преподавания и обучения также планируется. реформа предполагает компьютеризировать процесс преподавания и обучения. некоторые шаги уже   были предприняты в данном направлении: около 3000 классов в стране уже были компьютеризированы. компьютеризированное преподавание и обучение может создать систему непрерывного образования для всех. life - long learning (пожизненное обучение)-это будущее образование 21-го века. и если вы спросите, что каждый должен учить в будущем, то мы должны сказать: " учиться, чтобы знать, учиться, чтобы жить вместе и учиться быть; эти четыре столпа должны быть основой любой образовательной концепции в 21 веке".
It seems to me it is common knowledge that many people believe that there is one real way to get true information to read a lot of newspapers and to watch tv. yes, it goes without saying.  but according to the internet statistics the public in general tend to believe that only internet has a huge base of data and knowledge, where you can find any thing you want from movies and music of interest to the vast number of books, newspapers and magazines. i can only subscribe to the view of the internet public. weighing up all pros and cons, the first thing is that it is easier to find more information, download the required essay, watch video about some books which you have already read, and etc. besides, email is one of the advantages of the internet. this online service is cheaper than regular mail, and it works much faster.   you never lose touch with loved ones, wherever they are using such means of communication. for example, i have a personal e-mail and have an opportunity to chat with my friends from other cities and countries. in addition, nowadays there are very different popular social networks where communication with your friends and relatives also is not difficult. on the other hand i think that the internet   becomes a way of a person's life and it is very harmful for our health. many teenagers spend a lot of time sitting at the   computers and spoiling themselves eyes. in conclusion, i want to say, i don't mean that i am against the internet, but it should have   reasonable limits.   мне кажется, общеизвестно, что многие люди считают, что один действительно реальный способ получать правдивую информацию – это читать газеты и смотреть телевизор. да, это само собой разумеется. но по данным интернет-статистики люди в целом склонны верить, что интернет -   это огромная база данных и знаний, где вы можете найти любую вещь, которую вы хотите -   от фильмов и музыки, которая вам интересна,   огромное количество книг, газет и журналов. взвешивая все плюсы и минусы, первое, что необходимо отметить, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию, скачать необходимые эссе, посмотреть видео о некоторых книгах, которые вы уже прочитали, все это можно сделать через интернет. электронная почта является одним из преимуществ интернета. этот сервис он-лайн дешевле, чем обычная почта, и она работает намного быстрее. например,   у меня есть личный адрес электронной почты, так что я имею возможность общаться со своими друзьями из других городов и стран. помимо этого, в настоящее время существует разных популярных социальных сетей, где связаться с друзьями и родственниками также не сложно. с другой стороны, я думаю, что интернет становится образом жизни человека, и это вредно для нашего здоровья. многие подростки проводят много времени, сидя за компьютерами и портят зрение. в заключении   я   хочу сказать, что я не против интернета, но его использование должно иметь разумные пределы.

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Переделать в косвенную речь аesop, a greek philosopher, was famous for his jokes. one day aesop was out for a walk when he saw a man. the man was lost. the man greeted aesop and asked him, "how long will it take me to get to the town? " "go, " said aesop. the traveller did not understand the reply. "i know that i have to go, " he said and repeated his question, but aesop is reply was the same. "go, " he said again very politely. the traveller went away. "the man is mad, " he decided. after the traveller had gone some distance, aesop shouted after him, "you will get to the town in two hours." the traveller came back to aesop and asked: "why did not you tell me that before? " "i did not tell you because i did not know how fast you could walk, " aesop replied.
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