Last sunday early in the morning, about six o'clock in the evening, i was all sails through the mountains, when suddenly met with two riders in the carriage sitting horse riding on a mule, and asked them if they knew exactly what hour date of the wedding bill хэннефорда, whose funeral yesterday in our church. they replied that know me better ask my grandmother's grandfather. - and where can i find it? - i asked. - simple, they said. he lives in a brick house of whole logs, which stood alone among the sixty exactly the same. "really simple, " i said. - it is that simple, " they said. and i went. grandma grandpa was a giant, but not just a giant giant out of the bottle. just that, and he climbed into the bottle. when i arrived, he probably just jumped out of the bottle. - how are you? "he asked me. - thank you, very well, " i replied. "you want me breakfast? - with great pleasure, " i replied. he bought me a slice of beer and a mug of cold veal, and the dog sat under the table and picking up the pieces. "shoo! i said to her. - for what? - said the giant. - it yesterday caught me for dinner hare. if you do not believe, come, i will show you. and he took me into the garden. in the end of the garden was sitting in the nest fox, высиживала eagle eggs. in the midst of the garden grew iron apple tree, covered with ripe pears. and at the other end of the cart sat living hare, whose giant ate yesterday for dinner. by ran deer, and suddenly i remembered that in my pocket is the onion. i cocked it, powder and shot an arrow. up jumped a flock of quail. they say i killed eighteen pieces, but i know that thirty-six, not including smoked salmon, which flew at this time over the bridge. and i got out of it the best apple pie, what you only ever tasted. come, i'll show you something!
Soon, soon new year! he hurries, all right! it will be knocked at doors to us: children, hello, i to you! we celebrate a holiday, we decorate a christmas tree, we hang up toys, balls, crackers … father frost will come soon! to us gifts will bring - apples, candies … father frost, well where you?
Еду которая приготовлена на половину называют полуфабрикатом. (convenience food) здоровое питание которое включает фрукты, овощи, мясо, молоко и зерновые продукты называется . (balanced) свинина, масло и крем это продукты с большим содержанием жира. (fat) люди с лишним весом должны воздержаться от употребления еды содержащей жир или сахар. (fat and sugar) лаура хочет похудеть и поэтому не ужинает. ( skips supper - пропускает ужины) говорят что из за стола стоит уходить прежде чем почувствуешь себя сытым. (feel full) для того что бы дыхание было свежим нужно регулярно чистить зубы. (brush your teeth regularly) вегетарианцы это люди которые не едят мясо. в основном они питаются овощами. ( mostly vegetables). темный шоколад не содержит сахара (no sugar) йогур и сыр являются молочными продуктами. (dairy products) если хочешь сжечь калории тебе следует пробежаться ( сходить на пробежку) ( go jogging)
The name of my language is russian. it is the official language of the russian federation, belarussia, kazahstan, kyrgizstan. over 145 million people speak russian as a first language . people understand russian in lithania, latvia, estonia, ukraine, poland, azerbajdjan, armenia, tajikistan. over 100 million people speak russian as a second language. the origin of my language: russian is a slavic language of the indo-european family. languages that contributed to my language are latin, greek, english, geman,french. english words in my language are the following: computer, notebook, reception, user, looser, laptop, manager. easy things for an english person to say in my language are the following: sputnik, babushka, mama, papa. difficult things for an english person to say in my language are the following: idioms, phraseologizms, sayings and ptoverbs. people should learn russian because there are literary masterpieces written in russian, it is a language of the largest country in the world with rich and beautiful culture and history.
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