i'd like to tell you about the 32nd president of the united states - franklin d. roosevelt. he was born in hyde park, new york on january 30, 1882, the son of james roosevelt and sara delano roosevelt. his parents and private tutors provided him with almost all his formative education. he attended groton (1896-1900), a prestigious preparatory school in massachusetts, and received a ba degree in history from harvard in only three years (1900-03). roosevelt next studied law at new york's columbia university. when he passed the bar examination in 1907, he left school without taking a degree. for the next three years he practiced law with a prominent new york city law firm. he entered politics in 1910 and was elected to the new york state senate as a democrat from his traditionally republican home district.
in the meantime, in 1905, he had married a distant cousin, anna eleanor roosevelt, who was the niece of president theodore roosevelt. the couple had six children, five of whom survived infancy: anna (1906), james (1907), elliott (1910), franklin, jr. (1914) and john (1916). he was elected president in november 1932, to the first of four terms. in 1936 he was re-elected by a top-heavy margin. roosevelt had pledged the united states to the "good neighbor" policy, transforming the monroe doctrine from a unilateral american manifesto into arrangements for mutual action against aggressors. he died on april 12, 1945.
я хотел бы рассказать вам о 32-м президенте соединенных штатов-франклине рузвельте. родился 30 января 1882 года в гайд-парке, нью-йорк, в семье джеймса рузвельта и сары делано рузвельт. практически все формирующее образование ему давали родители и частные воспитатели. он учился в гротоне (1896-1900), престижной подготовительной школе в массачусетсе, и получил степень бакалавра в гарвардском всего за три года (1900-03). затем рузвельт изучал право в колумбийском университете нью-йорка. когда в 1907 году он сдал экзамен на адвоката, он бросил школу, не получив ученой степени. в течение следующих трех лет он занимался юридической практикой в известной юридической фирме в нью-йорке. он вошел в политику в 1910 году и был избран в сенат штата нью-йорк в качестве демократа от его традиционно республиканского округа.
тем временем, в 1905 году, он женился на дальней родственнице, анне элеоноре рузвельт, племяннице президента теодора рузвельта. у пары было шестеро детей, пятеро из которых пережили младенчество: анна (1906), джеймс (1907), эллиотт (1910), франклин-младший (1914) и джон (1916). он был избран президентом в ноябре 1932 года, в первый из четырех сроков. в 1936 году он был переизбран с большим перевесом. рузвельт пообещал соединенным штатам политику "добрососедства", превратив доктрину монро из одностороннего американского манифеста в договоренности о взаимных действиях против агрессоров. умер 12 апреля 1945 года.
my native city is rostov-on-don. it is the capital of the don area. it was founded in 1749. it is situated on the right bank of the river don.
in the past rostov was a small town with small population. but now the territory of rostov-on-don is 380 square kilometres and the population is more than one million people.
our city is a big industrial, scientific and cultural centre in the south of russia. the plant “rostselmash” is known not only in our country but abroad as well.
the largest scientific and educational establishment is the rostov state university, which was founded in 1915 and now has more then ten faculties.
in rostov there are four theatres: gorky drama theatre, musical comedy, puppet show, theatre of young spectators. the gorky theatre is surrounded by a large park named after the october revolution. it is one of many parks and gardens which make rostov a green town and where rostovites like to walk on a nice sunny day.
during the second world war rostov-on-don was occupied twice (1941 and 1942). the war cost rostovites huge losses in life. that is why in the city there are a lot of monuments devoted to the war years and people who gave their lives for our peaceful life.
rostov-on-don is a large transport centre. it is not only a big knot of railways and airways but it is also the port of five seas (the baltic, the white, the caspian, the black and the sea of asov).
nowadays rostov-on-don as many other cities and villages in russia is undergone the process of economical changes. but we hope that in some years people will be able to overpass all the difficulties and rostov-on-don will occupy its place of one of the biggest industrial cities of russia.
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1.my first is the letter that comes after l, отгадать загадки. my second is a preposition, my third can open the door, my whole is a funny animal. 2.my first is a part of our body, my second is a thing to seat, my whole is a piece of furniture. 3. my first is the letter that comes before n, my second is a pronoun, my third is a number, my whole is clothes that we wear in winter. 4. my first is a name of a cat from the cartoon, my second is the indefinite article, my third is always met before the verbs, my whole is a vegetable