
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. как это читается по , но по что б получить пятёрку

Английский язык


Рано ложится и рано встает, тот будет здоровым богатым и мудрым.

прошлым летом мы с братьями отдыхали у бабушки с дедушкой в деревне. нам у них нравится, ведь летом в школу ходить не надо, а в деревне, есть речка, в которой приятно купаться. за все время, которое мы пробыли там, с нами происходили разные ситуации: и смешные, и не .

сегодня я хочу рассказать одну из них.

когда мы приезжаем, то сразу находим себе друзей, ведь летом детей в деревне много.

и вот однажды, пришел соседский мальчик юра, который позвал нас с собой на речку. отпросившись, мы сразу побежали туда.

когда мы пришли, мальчишки постарше мастерили тарзанку. нам тоже стало интересно, и мы попросились к ним в компанию. они с удовольствием нас приняли.

через час, тарзанка была готова, и нужно было ее испытать. я решился испытать ее первым.

хорошенько разогнавшись, я прыгнул, но она не выдержала, и я упал вниз. там было невысоко, поэтому мне было не больно, но я изрядно измазался.

боясь, что бабушка меня будет ругать, за то, что испачкал одежду, я побежал домой и стал ее стирать.

постирав, вывесил на дворе. но когда все высохло, я увидел, что на моей синей футболке образовалось желтое пятно. я испугался и заплакал. как раз пришла бабушка, и пришлось ей все рассказать. услышав мою , бабушке не ругалась, а только рассмеялась. она мне объяснила, что я взял отбеливающее мыло, поэтому футболка испортилась.

с тех пор, я всю свою одежду стираю сам. вот такая .

by a past summer we with brothers had a rest for a grandmother with a grand-dad in a village. for them it likes us, in fact in summer in school, walking is not necessary, and in a village, there is the small river it is very pleasant to bath in that. for all the time, that we stayed there, with us there were different situations: and funny, and not very. today i want to tell one of them. when we arrive, then at once we find to itself friends, in fact by the summer of children in a village very much. and once, neighbourly boy юра, that called us with itself on the small river, came. отпросившись, we at once began to run there. when we came, boys had made тарзанку older. it became too interesting to us, and we asked to them in a company. they with pleasure we were accepted. in a hour, тарзанка was ready, and it was needed to test her. i decided to test the her first. prettily dispersed, i jumped, but she did not survive, and i fell down downward. there it was not highly, therefore it was not badly me, but i handsomely got dirty. being afraid that grandmother me will swear at, for that stained a clothing, i побеr.

Ewas born in dublin on october 16, 1854. his father was a famous irish surgeon. his mother was well known in dublin as a writer of verse and prose. at school, and later at oxford, oscar displayed gift for art and the humanities. while at the university, wilde became one of the most famous personalities of the day: he wore his hair long, decorated his room with different beautiful things. his witty sayings were well known among the students. after graduating from the university, wilde turned his attention to writing, travelling and lecturing. in his works, especially in his tales, he glorifies beauty, and not only the beauty of nature or artificial beauty, buo the beauty of devoted love. he admires unselfishness, kindness and generosity ("the happy prince", "the nightingale and the rose") and despises egoism and greed ("the selfish giant", "the devoted friend"). the theme of most of his works, even of his tales, is quite realistic. he shows the contrast between wealth and poverty. his own sympathy for poor, labouring people is quite evident. at the height of his popularity and success, tragedy struck. he was accused of immorality and sentenced to two years' imprisonment. when released from prison in 1897, he lived mainly on the continent, settling later in paris. in 1898 he published his poem "ballad of reading gaol". he died in paris 1900. чок the picture of dorian gray is a philosophical novel by oscar wilde, first published complete in the july 1890 issue of lippincott's monthly magazine.the magazine's editor feared the story was indecent, and without wilde's knowledge, deleted roughly five hundred words before publication. despite that censorship, the picture of dorian gray offended the moral sensibilities of british book reviewers, some of whom said that oscar wilde merited prosecution for violating the laws guarding the public moralitydorian gray is the subject of a full-length portrait in oil by basil hallward, an artist who is impressed and infatuated by dorian's beauty; he believes that dorian's beauty is responsible for the new mode in his art as a painter. through basil, dorian meets lord henry wotton, and he soon is enthralled by the aristocrat's hedonistic worldview: that beauty and sensual fulfilment are the only things worth pursuing in life..dorian gray – a handsome, narcissistic young man enthralled by lord henry's "new" hedonism. he indulges in every pleasure and virtually every 'sin', studying its effect upon him, which eventually leads to his death. вот,можешь выбрать,если много слишком.я написал больше про само произведение

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Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. как это читается по , но по что б получить пятёрку
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