is barking , is waiting , are having , is writing , is wearing , is talking , are drinking , are running , is making , are sending , is typing , are swimming , is looking , is coming , is decorating , am helping , is living , is crying , is studying , is visiting .
is barking , is waiting , are having , is writing , is wearing , is talking , are drinking , are running , is making , are sending , is typing , are swimming , is looking , is coming , is decorating , am helping , is living , is crying , is studying , is visiting .
1. Чтобы стать профессиональным музыкантом, вы должны во первых узнать о нотах потом изучить их.
2. Вы должны послушать множество мелодии, тренировать свой голос.
3. Это может занять много времени.
но вы не должны отчаиваться ведь чтобы добиться желаемого надо стараться.
4. Вам необходимо отправить свои записи по адресу к главному отделению. И так вы можете заключить сделку, a потом полноценно стать музыкантом
5. Однажды вы можете стать музыкантом, певцом. И очень популярным человека что окупит ваш трут
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Перевести, текст большой, но и 100 there are no plans to further reduce the population of london. indeed the numbers of people living in central london is on the increase particularly amongst the better off as the urban village environments and other schemes start to work. the use of high rise developments for high class living is virtually nil other than in the docklands. the poor also prefer terraced-style housing of which there is plenty and indeed poor inhabitants living in the high-rises that have been built sometimes have to stomach dirty and violent surroundings. major international companies on the other hand, like inhabiting high rise office blocks and london mayor ken livingstone is working with architects to determine the best areas in london for office sky scrapers. the opposition is the english national heritage. london peoples are multi-cultured and multi-coloured. on the fringes there is full integration with inter-marriages particularly where religion is not an issue. in the main however the new races keep to invisibly separated territories and happily meet in the central shopping precincts and in the workplace. the big boost to workplace integration came with the advent of the computer which required a new breed of intelligence to write software code that could therefore be satisfied by any social class, colour, religion or sex. indeed in the computer world there are no obvious top dogs between men and women, rich or poor, whites, blacks, browns, chinese or japanese, christians, muslims or any other group. this might be the start of something good! london has its fair share of software companies to further this integration. walking the streets of london it is also very encouraging to see many slim, well dressed, healthy and attractive people from all races mingling with equality of opportunity round every corner. (obviously there are exceptions to this generalisation notably amongst the poorly educated inner city inhabitants. whose fault is it, their parents or the government? )