
Sticконтрольная работа 1 курсbaphaht 2.that time creioapeecheline continuousже завершившеесловами к томуvine perfect3aдание 1. find in the text and copy out (blitwyte) 1 sentence in presentcontinuous, 1 sentence in future simple and 1 sentence in past simple and translatethem into russian.3адание 2. find in the text and copy out 5 sentences in present simple and translatethem into russian. 3. copy out the first sentence from the text and find in it the main members(subject and predicate).do you like music? everybody likes music, some people prefer classical music, others are fond of lightmusic. people listened to music many years ago too. but are all of them good listeners? one of the most important things is to learn to be a good listener. only then can onelearn to understand music. you may say: "it's very easy! we hear lots of sounds aroundus, " but hearing is not listening. are we really listening to music on the radio whileworking, before leaving for school or after coming home? i think not, because our ears take in many other sounds besides music, such as: thenoises from outside, some conversations, and a baby's crying.to be a good listener means to listen to music without doing anything else. and that'snot very easy. it's necessary to practise it for rather a long time: to sit still and toconcentrate on listening. at last it will become a habit.that's one thing. the other is to read about composers whose music we areinterested in, about their works, about the conditions under which those people had tolive and create. people often say: "i often go to concerts, as i like music very much." itmeans that they may go to a concert of chamber or light music, attend a symphonyconcert, a piano, a violin or a choir concert. it's all the same for them. does it mean thatthey love music if they don't understand it? and what about you? сделать 1, 2​

Английский язык



1) He watched TV at 7o’clock yesterday.

2) Kate was doing her homework when her mum came home.

3) We didn't play gamed at 1 o’clock yesterday. (если необходимо указать на точное время)

4) We went to the cinema yesterday.

5) I read a very interesting story 2 days ago.

6) Last summer I was in the International Children Camp “Artek”.

Past Simple - обозначает завершенное действие в

Past Contionous/Progressive - обозначает длительное действие, действие в процессе. Всё, что мы знаем о нем - то, что оно происходило в какой-то момент когда-то.


Завершить беседу. Используйте настоящее

совершенная или простая форма глаголов в


Мама: Сэм, ты видел, видишь) Джулию?


Нет, 12

(видеть) ее с последнего

ночь. Мы

(Смотри телевизор

когда она пришла домой. Она устала, поэтому


(ложись) рано спать


Мама: Ее здесь нет, и она

(не ходи) в школу. Ее учитель

(просто позвони).

Сэм: Не знаю?

(ты спрашиваешь)


Мама: Транг в офис, но ему 8

(все еще не отвечаю) на мое сообщение.

Юля: Привет!

Мама: Юля! куда

(ты будешь)?

Юля: Извини, мама. 1 10


автобус в школу но мне 11

(вернись) потому что мне 12

(не чувствую) очень хорошо. 1 13

(просто / прими) какое-нибудь лекарство.


(вы уже завтракали)?

Юля: Да, была. Я возвращаюсь к

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Sticконтрольная работа 1 курсbaphaht 2.that time creioapeecheline continuousже завершившеесловами к томуvine perfect3aдание 1. find in the text and copy out (blitwyte) 1 sentence in presentcontinuous, 1 sentence in future simple and 1 sentence in past simple and translatethem into russian.3адание 2. find in the text and copy out 5 sentences in present simple and translatethem into russian. 3. copy out the first sentence from the text and find in it the main members(subject and predicate).do you like music? everybody likes music, some people prefer classical music, others are fond of lightmusic. people listened to music many years ago too. but are all of them good listeners? one of the most important things is to learn to be a good listener. only then can onelearn to understand music. you may say: "it's very easy! we hear lots of sounds aroundus, " but hearing is not listening. are we really listening to music on the radio whileworking, before leaving for school or after coming home? i think not, because our ears take in many other sounds besides music, such as: thenoises from outside, some conversations, and a baby's crying.to be a good listener means to listen to music without doing anything else. and that'snot very easy. it's necessary to practise it for rather a long time: to sit still and toconcentrate on listening. at last it will become a habit.that's one thing. the other is to read about composers whose music we areinterested in, about their works, about the conditions under which those people had tolive and create. people often say: "i often go to concerts, as i like music very much." itmeans that they may go to a concert of chamber or light music, attend a symphonyconcert, a piano, a violin or a choir concert. it's all the same for them. does it mean thatthey love music if they don't understand it? and what about you? сделать 1, 2​
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